Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mark of the beast

  • There was a documentary watched L.A Marzulli ''Watchers'' dvd, explained people receing an implant similar to the Mark of the beast - RFID CHIP because its also size of grain of rice. When they reported to have been abducted by alien, the implant they recieved during the abduction was deeply embedded inside person tissue, took the surgeon around 13 to 16 procedures to remove, one removed this implant was size of grain of rice, the mass was so dense, it needed a laser to cut it, not with scapel. One cut into 2 pieces they found out it had a processing speed of up to 320GHZ the average computer processing speed is around 3.2GHZ, also the density of the implant could not be found / recorded on earth, it had to be a material somewhere outside of earth. Also it had the ability to alter a person's DNA. Also over time the 2 pieces over time gradually become together assembling itself as one, even though the implant was cut into 2 earlier. This implant has similar characteristic as the RFID CHIP also known as the mark of the beast.
  • In one situation a guy was calling out this flying orbs in the sky on the news, later L.A Marzulli shared His testimony of interview the guy, he ask him what do you think of the blood of Jesus, the guy started manifesting. Similar like a demon possessed person would manifest when the Name of JESUS is called out in casting out demons. One situation of alien encounter with pastor. UFO aircraft landed on the field or His garden, the pastor went outside of His home, to see, these beings came out of the UFO aircraft that landed, more than one, and told him we have the answer'' But the pastor replied: I already found the answer, JESUS'' They replied don't say that. The pastor replied: ''You mean JESUS'' Then the alien beings went back into their aircraft and disappeared. This is a confirmation that aliens are demons, that try to manifest as a false light, demons are space shifters, they manifest in different forms to deceive man kind.
  • A situation of Christian, she saw 5 angels came into her room, but she started speaking in tongue in prayer to test the spirit. Later the 5 angels unable to hold their form and turned into demons and they dropped one by one. Also had personal dream of casting out aliens (demons that look like aliens in movies) In Jesus name and they get destroyed. Also had dreams of aliens descending down on earth in fireballs, the fireballs fell on the ground and turned into a group of people and then it changed in to a fish like looking demon. Many fireballs dropped onto the earth. And also having other dreams of seeing UFO aircraft coming upon the earth. This will occur in the great Tribulation, a great deception when even the elect will be deceived, this is the reason why many Christians are now receiving dreams of alien deception, they are things to occur in a larger scale in the great tribulation, as these alien(demon) manifestation already occuring NOW. There is a chance they will help usher in the Mark of the beast RFID chip with their fancy technology.
  • Daniel 2:43 And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they will mix themselves with the seed of men, but they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. The Nephelim blood line? Giants like David and Goliath in the last days? or does this verse have double meaning? Man was made of dust, we are molded like clay the potter's hand by God, RFID chip mark of the beast = made of metal parts (iron) Man = clay ''But they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay'' therefore those receiving the mark of the beast, will receive sores in their body, as the body tissue rejects the metal implanted in their body. RFID also know to cause cancer as been used in farm animals to track them.
  • Revelation 16:2 Then the first came and poured his vial to the earth, and vile and evil sores came upon mankind, those who had the mark of the beast, those who bowed down to his image. Could be a confirmation verse on alien (demonic seed) / Mark of the beast / alien implant trying to mix with the seed of Men ''they will mix themselves with the seed of men''

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