Thursday, September 11, 2014



My children,   4-25-14
This is your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am the one who you invited into your hearts at one time or another during your lifetime. My children, what you are currently experiencing is exactly what is written in my holy word. These are the birth pains of the coming of the one true Messiah, Jesus Christ. I am the Savior to the entire world. I made you and I am calling you to a full surrender in me in order to escape the atrocities of the final phases of my birthing pains. My Father has instructed me to be as gracious as I can to my children in order to allow them to enter into my heavenlies and this is the purpose of this letter. 

These are my final instructions to my modern day church as written by my scribe Gwendolen. I have been purifying my daughter over the past several months in order for her to do many tasks for me. This is one of the most important tasks of her lifetime, writing this letter from her Savior to the church that is left behind. She does talk with me at great lengths each and every day. She has my ear and I have hers as she has learned the art of hearing her Savior’s voice. Not all of my children are able to hear my voice as I had planned them to, for it takes much preparation. I am using my prophetess Gwendolen as a vessel because of the hours upon hours she has sat at my feet over the past several months learning to hear my voice. I want all of my children learning the art of hearing my voice for it is a matter of survival in the days ahead. 

My precious children are you not aware that I am a King? I am a King that sits on a mighty throne in the heavenlies beside my Father amidst the rushing waters of life. There is a vast expanse of water in my throne room that contains all the healing elements of the universe. In my holy word it is mentioned often. These waters bring healing. They bring life. They even cleansed the world after the flood during Noah’s time. I opened the throne room’s flood gates after I could no longer tolerate the vile ways of mankind way back then. I promised to never destroy mankind again utilizing water and I even sent a rainbow as a promise. Now I will bring fire upon the earth and cleanse it a second time. Do you know where this fire will come from? This fire will come from the gates of hell. Yes children, I will bring my own creation that has turned its back on me up from the bowels of hell to bring my lukewarm church into full repentance. Never in your lifetime will you witness the things that are about to befall the earth.

Children, at this time all you are experiencing are a few birth pains. There are earthquakes in diverse places and drought on a few of my continents, but surely children these things will increase in the days ahead and a mighty drought and famine will come to all the people of the earth. There will be fire balls and meteors falling from the skies and unwelcome visitors from far off galaxies. These are the things that will make my children ponder their sanity and why they ever decided to turn their hearts away from their one true God. I am a loving God and I did not want to have these events begin to happen, but in my desperation to keep the majority of my children out of the pits of hell, I had to allow these things to happen to get their focus turned back on their God. If I continue to allow these detestable sins to occur and the oppression of the weak and sick, the world would truly spin out of control and the enemy would steal you for his own. I on the other hand, have a plan to call all of my children into righteousness and true repentance. I wish this for each and every one of you. In the following segments of this letter are outlined ways to endure the upcoming days in which the enemy will attempt to steal you away from your Creator. I will give you tips on how to overcome the enemy, even if it means acceptance of death. Remember my children that even though the flesh is weak and able to be overcome, the spirit lives on forever. Allow my own story of my suffering help give you renewed strength. I came to the earth as sent by my heavenly Father that all of my children would be allowed to enter my heavenlies once they decided to surrender their lives to me. 

One of the first obstacles that my children will face is famine in the land. There will be food shortages galore and it will be up to you to be creative and clever in order to survive. Well, at least that is what the enemy wants you to think. My children, remember the story in my holy word about the mustard seed? Remember the seed that grew into a tree and the other birds came to nestle on its branches? Children, there were many saints that knew of my plans to rapture my church and they lifted their mustard seeds to me. They were instructed to store up canned foods and water for their siblings in Christ that would be left behind. They were also instructed to plant seeds. These seeds are in the ground and being supernaturally nourished for you and your friends while you are learning more about me. I want to show you how faith works in these last days children. I want you to see that the faith of others has allowed you to have provisions at this time. You should truly be thankful for the faith of the bride. The faith that allowed them to be raptured is the same faith that will help you survive! Now it is time to grow your faith in your King too O Lukewarm church. Allow your faith to grow and be nourished in all kinds of supernatural ways.

The next potential obstacle during the great tribulation is a lack of healthy or safe drinking water. With the bitterness in the water from various attacks, it will be a most precious commodity. How can one survive without fresh drinking water? Listen children, and I will tell you. Remember the waters that I discussed that flow through my throne room? This is the same water that will be given to my Lukewarm church once a full surrender is made unto me and my Father. Children, remember in my holy book where it is written that I am able to do exceedingly greater than your hearts can imagine? Children, this verse extends to the provisions of my remnant children left behind during the great tribulation. I will provide water for each of you as I have searched your hearts and seen that you truly desire to live for me. I will have special oasis’s throughout the world where the children of my Bride have stored up food and water for the Lukewarm church. Once those supplies have been exhausted, all that is needed is to call upon the name of the Lord for any and all provisions and I will see to it that they are brought to you. Yes children, am I a God that would lie? Did I not feed my servant Elijah from the mouths of ravens? I will see to it that each of my children have food and water for the difficult days ahead of them. I will also make sure that you are fed on my holy word. I am the way. I am the life. I am the truth. No one can come unto the Father except through me. I will make a way for each and every one of my children to have food and drink. All you have to do is believe in me and upon the one who sent me-my Father. I am a loving God and it is not my desire for any of my children to starve to death or become severely dehydrated. I will provide. My words are golden, children. 

The final think I want to discuss in this letter is what to do if you are captured by the enemy. What I am referring to is being brought into captivity at a FEMA camp. My children, the plan of the enemy is to convince you that you must come to their camps in order to survive. This is a lie as you now know because I have just explained to you how your faith in me can keep you alive. Children, they will usher you into their FEMA camps promising you food, water, and shelter. I say there is a better way. Find your shelter in your Lord and Savior. For some reason should you find yourself and your loved ones inside these camps, I want to give you very specific instructions. They have no desire to truly help you. Their desire is to mark you with an RFID implant. This microchip which is the size of a piece of rice will eternally separate you from your Lord and Savior. There is no way back to me because your spiritual DNA will be permanently changed to match the DNA of the enemy. His name is Lucifer and this is his main attack strategy. He will convince my desperate children who need food and water and shelter that in order to fit back into the system, (the New World Order), that you will need this implant or microchip in order to interface with their new currency. They will tell you that you will not be able to buy or sell anything without this device. You will not be able to purchase groceries or go to a doctor for treatment or purchase any essential items in order to survive.

 Children, please do not fall for the New World Order’s lies. The New World Order follows the beast. They worship the dragon and the system. They even use alien technology to bring this new system to the people of the world. The RFID is actually a miniature computer chip that can program your mind, track your every move, and even eternally separate you from your Creator. This is the main goal of their system. Please hear me now children. If you end up in a FEMA, camp do not take the mark of the beast. If you are threatened with your life it is better to give up your life than to take the mark of eternal damnation. I have sent many dreams to my children all across the globe of the dangers of this micro implant. Hear your Lord and Savior this day, dear children, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST! DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST OR ANYTHING THAT RESEMBLES A MARK PLACED UPON YOUR SKIN THAT LOOKS LIKE A BARCODE! 

This is the most difficult portion of my letter through my servant Gwendolen. Children, there are guillotines set up in many of the FEMA camps. I want to help you understand what will happen to you if you decide to give up your life for your Lord and Savior. Children, as they usher you to their decapitation machines there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Please do not operate in that fashion. Please hear me this day, children. If you call out upon the name of the Lord, the name of the Lord as you have been accustomed to calling your entire life, I will come and stand beside you supernaturally and give you my peace. Just as my servant Stephen was stoned to death as recorded in my holy word, I stood beside him and he was not aware of the assault to his flesh from the stones being thrown at him. I will supernaturally bring you an overwhelming sensation of peace and actually take your spirit from your body before the blade even touches your skin. Children, again, hear me this day! I am not a God that I would lie.

 If you want to have a confirmation given to you about this portion of the letter simply come before me on bended knee and I will pour out a holy anointing upon your brow to confirm these words are mine. Children, this is going to be a most difficult time, but I am a loving God and even though you have turned your focus away from your one true Lord and Savior, I am extending tips on how to endure this era til you can come home with me into my heavenlies. There is no way to help you to not be frightened for the events that are about to unfold except to tell you what is written in my holy word that has been available to all of my children throughout the world. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. You who want me to direct your paths will surrender your lives fully to me. There will be a great reward for you in my heavenlies. A great reward indeed. Those of my children who officially decide they want to follow the beast will have to endure eternity in the lake of fire with the king of hell-Lucifer. Please choose me and my Father this day. It is still not too late to turn your lives over to me. 

I love you my children. I love each and every one of you.
King Jesus

Ephesians 3
New Living Translation (NLT)
God’s Mysterious Plan Revealed
3 When I think of all this, I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for the benefit of you Gentiles[a] . . .2 assuming, by the way, that you know God gave me the special responsibility of extending his grace to you Gentiles. 3 As I briefly wrote earlier, God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me. 4 As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. 5 God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets.
6 And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.[b] 7 By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News.
8 Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. 9 I was chosen to explain to everyone[c] this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.
10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. 11 This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.
12 Because of Christ and our faith in him,[d] we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. 13 So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honored.

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