Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Prophetic Dream of the Queen of England as a Reptilian Princess Seducing a Young Suitor

(This prophecy is not to be read to children due to its gruesome details. Please use discretion).

Prophetic Dream of the Queen of England as a Reptilian Princess Seducing a Young Suitor
Dream Given to Melanie Toney-Clark
Interpretation by Messenger Gwendolen Rix
Words from Jehovah Jira


*Description of the Dream-Words from Melanie Toney-Clark

I was at Buckingham Palace in this dream and I saw the Queen of England. Strangely enough her spouse had died and she seemed so very happy. I was her suitor in the dream; I was playing a male character despite knowing I am a female in real life. I recall during the dream being worried that she would see me unclothed and figure out that I am actually a female. Clearly on the outside I looked like a man!

In the dream Queen Elizabeth was parading around the castle with a sense of being filled with her own beauty. She felt radiant as a queen should feel. She seemed carefree and happy. She was in love with me in the dream and we were to be married. I was her boyfriend in the dream and she kept trying to sleep with me. I recall going up to her bedroom as she spent an enormous amount of time preparing for my arrival. When I walked past her vanity I saw her perfume bottles and then spotted her lying on her royal bed in an exquisite wedding gown. She had a vile disgusting reptilian tail sticking out from beneath her wedding gown. I became nervous and hurriedly left her bedroom.
*Words from Jehovah Jira

Good day, my glorious children! I have asked my prophetess Gwendolen to interpret her sister’s dream as it is a most important prophetic dream with many interesting twists and turns. First, allow me to say that my daughter Gwendolen has been very busy interpreting dreams for the past year and a half for me and many people come to her inquiring if she can interpret them out of love. My children, I will show each of you the meanings of your dreams if you write them down and meditate on the details. I deliver these dreams as teaching tools to each of my children that are living holy unto Me and unto my Son. The interpretation may not always come instantly, but it will come sooner or later.
Again, this dream has some very interesting hot spots within it. I will focus on the most important key points for time’s sake. My daughter Melanie was allowed to step into the body of one of the young children that are being held hostage at the palace of Queen Elizabeth. They prey upon young boys and allow them to inject their semen into the Queen in order that hybrid reptilians can be bred from her genetics. It is vile my children and it is also quite true. If the children that are kidnapped are not obedient in sleeping with the queen then they are slaughtered beneath the palace and hauled off to a mass cemetery where they hide their remains. This is how they propel their alien-demon-reptilian agenda, dear children. They cannot find willing participants therefore they have to kidnap innocent children and use them as sex slaves for the Queen and her evil ways.

You may ask how is it possible that a queen that is old as Queen Elizabeth could be able to reproduce? I will tell you, dear children. She is not a human. She is a reptilian hybrid shape-shifter who only appears as a human during the daytime hours. At night she shows her true to life form as a reptilian and her features are revealed to those in her presence.

Within the dream my daughter passed by the Queen’s vanity where she visualized several of her bottles of perfume. My children, within these bottles of perfume are very dangerous volatile gases like anesthesia that are given to these children in order that they will become sexually aroused and sleep with the Queen. It is such an unpleasant topic to discuss my children, but it is the end of time and the Lord God Almighty is revealing all the secrets of the Beast and his minions. Queen Elizabeth is one of his minions.

I would also like to point out that the only reason the Queen is parading around her palace during the daytime hours is due to the blood sacrifices of innocent children. She does drink the blood of innocent children in order to help her not shift back into her original form. She is a shape shifter and she is the head of the reptilians upon the face of this planet. This is why she is not as visible these days. She has to constantly consume the blood of innocent children in order to keep her form from changing and from accelerating her aging process. Please come unto me this day my children and I will confirm this portion of the message. It is a most serious matter.

The reason that the Queen was in a wedding gown in the dream is that she believes that she is the purest form of the genetics of the reptilians. Like a virgin on her wedding night she plays this role over and over and over again. He tail’s prominence is a most scary point and is why my daughter Melanie left the room so abruptly. When the children of God see the royals for who they truly are it will surprise many of them. When my children are repentant and truly surrendered unto me I will show them these things.

That is all for now, my most precious children. I love you all. I know that you will understand how close my arrival is with these revelations being brought forth. Surely the New World Order does not want the general public to know these things. They will silence all who come against them. Pray always in the Spirit my children. Pray always and again I say PRAY IN THE SPIRIT WHO WILL TESTIFY TO ALL TRUTHS.


John 16:13
13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Revelation 16:13-14
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and[a] of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

**Jehovah God asked me to post Joel chapters 1-3 beneath this prophecy as He spoke with great emotion. He stated that the armies of the Lord of Hosts will scale the walls of the Queen’s compound tearing everything down that is an abomination to the One True God.**
“Rejoice, all those children who have been sacrificed! For your Heavenly God is coming to rectify all the injustices done against your innocent flesh!” (Jehovah God)

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