Friday, January 9, 2015

*My Eternal Faucet*

*My Eternal Faucet*
An End Time’s Prophetic Word from Jehovah Jira to His Child, Gwendolen Rix
Message Received Throughout the Morning of January 8, 2015

My dearest children,

This is the God of the universe. I Am the Great I Am and I have come this morning to bring a most important message to each of you. Please take the time to print the words of this message and leave it within your homes for it will be a most important message after the calling away of my holy children. It will be a resource for those you love. My children, if you were to search the internet, books of science, or talk to biologists they would explain to you the importance of water for the very existence of every organism on your planet. It is true. Without water none of my Son’s precious creations could survive and the enemy of the throne of God is well aware of this fact. He has taken every opportunity to contaminate, pollute, destroy, and even remove water from key areas across your planet.

Did you know my children that the Antichrist has even taken water from the Great Lakes in the United States of America and sold it to far off lands? Did you also know that he is allowing increased levels of dangerous chemicals as well as radiation to exist in your drinking water? He has even increased the allowance of radiation allowed in your drinking water and with this legislation it will not be necessary to notify the children of God once dangerously higher proportions are noted. He has taken every measure possible to shorten the life span of my children.

He has taken every measure to pollute the hearts, lives, and minds of my children too with vile images of nude women on the internet. Have you noticed the increase in pornography upon your screens, my children? Are you taking measures to guard your hearts? Did you notice the increase in nudity when you go to God-centered sites? Expect it my loves. Use filters. Limit your surfing time too. Guard your hearts and minds because this is an attack on you. The enemy knows my children love to surf and like a shark he is out to bite your flesh with carnality. Be as wise as serpents my children.

Allow me to encourage each of you to take this message on my Living Water and enlighten you now and use it as a resource for later. It will come in handy. For those of you who mock my servant messengers that type casual words like “handy” and other slang terms, understand that I am the God of the universe and I will use whichever words I need to use to communicate with my most precious children. I will even sing an off tune song if it will draw your attention back to ME and MY SON. WE love you my children and WE long to see you come home soon. The stakes are so high. The stakes are the souls of you and your families. You are OUR precious children and WE love you with all that is within US too.

If you hold up a glass of water to the light you will see much particulate matter. You will see cloudiness. You may even see things floating in it. If you were to take a glass of my living water and hold it up to the light you will see something much different. You will see prisms of love and splendor. Last night I took my daughter up to the throne room and allowed her to dangle her feet in the vast waters of my River of Life. Although I did not allow her to remember each and every moment of it, I did it for a few reasons. My Living Water has healing. My Living Water has hope. It is the essence of my nature to want to bring healing to all of my creation. My daughter is going through a very painful divorce at this time and my Living Water will heal her heart.

There is no substitute for the properties of my Living Water. There is no magical tonic upon your earth. There is no magic pill or specialty physician either. When you see these things upon your earth; when you see the very things that are necessary for your existence under the most horrendous assault, look up my children. When you see that the barest necessities for living are under assault and there are no substitutes, understand that it is time to leave. He (Lucifer) has pulled out all the stops to destroy my children’s very existence. He has pulled out all the stops to cause premature death. I want to share with you that there is a way out of this dilemma. A sure fire way to escape these things coming to the earth. Number one; be ready for the rapture my children. Be ready for the calling away of my Son’s precious Bride. If you are not ready for this magical moment then you will need to know how to purify the water that is left upon your planet. You will need to learn how to sit in my Son’s presence and have HIM supernaturally transform your existing water to the actual LIVING WATER THAT SURROUNDS MY THRONE IN HEAVEN.

Here are the steps, my loves. First, come before ME on your knees. Cry out to ME or MY SON. It is the end of time and so you may simply cry out to GOD. Secondly, ask my Son to cleanse your life from all sin. Ask HIM to forgive you for every sin you have ever committed since your birth. May there be no sin that separates you from your Creator. Thirdly, ask US to consecrate the water that you are planning to drink into LIVING WATER. Ask US to transform it supernaturally in order that no harm may come to you while drinking it. When you do these measures, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt because of your faith in ME and MY Son that the water you are about to drink is now sanctified as holy.

As you drink it there will be supernatural healings within your own bodies. Expect supernatural phenomenon to occur. This will go into effect immediately after the calling away of my Son’s Bride. We look forward to this time upon the earth as the remnant children will grow their faith and understand that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ. There is power in the name of the One True God. Whichever name you use during this encounter will be measured by the ONE who scans your heart. I will hear your pleas for help. My Son will hear your pleas for forgiveness. WE are here for you because we are the Originators of the Universe. Come back to the One True King before it is too late.

Remember my children; all good gifts come from your Heavenly Father. All good gifts come from your Loving God.

Jehovah Jira

Matthew 7:11
11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

22 And he showed me a pure[a] river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. 4 They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. 5 There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.

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