Wednesday, January 7, 2015

ALIEN AGENDA: Project Blue Beam/HAARP Technology Deception [PART 2]

My dearest children,

Today is a very important day in the heavenlies and I want to share with my son Seho and his you tube subscribers the exact nature of what is transpiring. It is a most significant occurrence, and like a long line of dominoes, they will unravel and fall perfectly in their place. Children, the New World Order is positioning their satellites to give themselves what they believe to be military advantage over the asteroids that I am sending to the earth. Yes my loves, this is a most extraordinary maneuver by them and their cronies. They are clearly aware of the prophecy that my son Ephraim Rodriguez received and prophesied to them, and they have been tracking a very densely populated section of asteroid activity in my heavenlies.

They plan to use nuclear weapons to break apart some of the asteroids, and the others they are planning to trap into a device that the demon aliens helped them design. It is like an arm with a net on the end of it. It is a NASA type of instrument that is used on space missions. They took the dimensions of this and multiplied it 1,000 times. My children, if the New World Order and the governments of the world know that these asteroids are on their way, why haven’t you been shown or spoken to about them? I will tell you why my precious children. You have not been told because you are dispensable to them and they are only looking after their own interests.

In this second video of my son’s I want to share with you that there is hope for those of my children who want to escape all these things coming to the planet. There is hope and there is NO REASON TO FEAR! I Am God and I alone can rescue each and every one of my children who surrender their lives unto me. I have millions of angels who are on standby awaiting the orders to collect my holy children. This asteroid shower will be taking place around the time of my Holy Rapture. In this video I want to outline what my children can do to escape these things. It is not difficult, my children, but understand that time is short. Understand that because I am a merciful God I am informing and informing and informing my children as their governments have decided to keep them in the dark.
The first thing to do in order to escape these things is to fully surrender your lives to me. A full surrender means to come out of the world. Follow the words of my Holy Word, the Bible. The two greatest commandments are written in my Holy Word for a reason, and I promise to you my children that when you strive to follow them you will be almost ready to be raptured as part of my Bride. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all of your mind, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. How difficult are these two commandments? It is spelled out quite clearly in my Holy Word, but many of my children will die from lack of knowledge. They surely will because they will not pick up my written instructions on how to operate on the earth in peace and harmony with one another.

As you are striving to follow my Holy Commandments also begin to give your time to me in prayer, worship, and serving me by serving others. Go out into the streets my children and help the downtrodden, the weak, the abused, the widows, and the orphans. These are who I call “the least of these.” Taking care of the least of these is what I would do if I were walking the earth, and it is what I expect my holy children to do also. Take food to the homeless. Offer someone on the street a warm coat, a scarf, or hat. Many of my children have more earthly possessions than they know what to do with. Share your wealth with the least of these my children. This is how to help heal your land.
The final way to be ready to leave this planet and escape all these things coming is to learn about faith. Faith is believing in a God that you cannot see. It is believing in your Creator to provide all that you need in the days ahead. I Am a loving God and I want you to fully experience my love for each and every one of you! Come to me my precious children and confirm this message during your sincere prayers.

I want to explain to you what these satellites are doing, my children. These satellites are monitoring the proximity of Lucifer’s minions that are coming to this earth. They are interfaced with the HAARP technology and Project Blue Beam satellites to try and deceive my children of a coming Messiah that is not my Son. They will begin warming up their machines very soon. You are seeing evidence of their capabilities already as you watch the news. You are seeing black horses with wings and dragons in the U.K. These are not real phenomenon my children, but a warm up for their master plans to trick my children in the days ahead. They are mocking me by testing my children’s responses to these fake holographic images in the sky. These are those who worship Lucifer and are stationed at the Vatican. Be wary of their lies my children. Be as wise as serpents when it comes to my enemy. The main goal is to deceive you into their technological lies and that the demon aliens are here to help rescue you from future catastrophic events. Do not believe them my children. Do not believe their lies. Do not believe them if they say the Messiah is here or there. I will come at a time of unawares and no one on this planet will know when this hour will arrive. I come like a thief in the night. Never forget that my children. Project Blue Beam will tell you otherwise. There is only one God and that is not the one that they will be displaying on their fancy holographic machines.

I also want to share with you that the governments have incorporated a very unique telepathic technology within their demonic satellites. The Army of the Lord will destroy these satellites one day in the near future. This technology will send sound waves and messages subliminally to each of my children after the rapture of my holy children. They will send messages to each and every person upon this earth and it will be effective too, my children. They have placed within your food specific receptors to act as receivers for these telepathic messages. The best way to counteract these messages is to return to your homes and cry out to me in prayer. I promise to help any of my children who cry out to me for assistance. Just because the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth after the rapture of my holy children doesn’t mean that the prayers of my other children who are left behind will not be heard. I Am God and I have the best ears in the universe. I will hear your prayers and I will intervene. It is my desire that all of my children will be ready when I come to rapture my Bride. Please do all that you can do at this late hour my children to live holy. I Am a Holy God and I expect nothing less. I have chosen my son Seho to bring this message forth because of his deep love for me. Please begin praying over this message immediately my children. Pray and ask me to confirm it with you.


Jehovah God

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