Dearest saints,
I am posting this important prophetic dream which brother Jonathan Su has shared with me, and the corresponding interpretation given by the Holy Spirit, and the grace of God. Please note that this is a long and detailed dream, which Jonathan has divided into four segments. Accordingly, I have interpreted each segment of the dream, and the Holy Spirit has given me detailed understanding into the many symbolisms found in the dream.
Due to the amount of information packed into the dream and its detailed interpretation, I would recommend that you consider reading each segment and interpretation at a time, and pausing when necessary to prayerfully discern what you have read, before proceeding to the next dream segment and interpretation. Those who attempt to read everything in one sitting may find that there is too much information for you to process, understand and remember.
Also, I have added a Teaching Note at the end to explain further a specific detail of one particular part of the dream. Please read this carefully and prayerfully seek the Lord for confirmation as well, because some may disagree with what I am explaining here. In all things, take them to the Lord in prayer, and ask Him for wisdom, understanding and discernment of His truth, according to Matthew 7:7-8.
Personal Sharing:
This dream interpretation has taken me a long time, and in the process, my family has had to face much spiritual opposition from the enemy whose demonic attacks have not let up even now.
We know the way of spiritual warfare, and the path to victory in Christ Jesus. However, the Lord is allowing us to go through these trials as part of His refining fire in our lives, and we continue to praise and to honour Him through the storms of life. We have persevered by the grace of God, and we shall prevail in the end, because the God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet! Hallelujah!
Truthfully, the ongoing attacks by the enemy have caused much weariness in me, and my wife, Belle. Please pray for us to wait patiently upon the Lord for a complete breakthrough, as Belle has been disturbed by the enemy in her sleep for many nights now, while I have been struggling with chronic fatigue daily.
Additionally, I may face legal action by a family member in the coming weeks, which is not pleasant, to say the least. If the Lord leads me, I may share in greater detail in the near future, but for now, I request that you consider standing with us in your prayers, because I know that the devil is desperately trying to knock me down, in order that he may bring this ministry to a halt.
[My Prayer:
"We rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus' mighty Name, for no weapon formed against us will prosper, and every tongue that accuses us will be condemned, and this is our heritage as servants of the living God! This is the Lord's ministry to His saints, and He will determine when this ministry will close, not you, old serpent!
You come against my family with fear and intimidation; we stand upon the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! The Lord will turn your wicked plans awry, and throw your minions into confusion, for if God is for us, who can stand against us? NO ONE! For He who is in us, the Holy Spirit of God, is greater than he who is in the world, you old dragon!
I declare this by faith in Jesus' mighty Name, and I boldly proclaim victory for me and my family, for the Lord is our Tower of Refuge, our Sword and our Shield! In Jesus' precious Name, we give thanks to God, amen! ]
In view of the current situation, I shall have to slow down my FB ministry for this period of time, and I apologise if I cannot get back to every single person who has asked me questions about the end times, and those who have contacted me to help them with their dream interpretation. By the grace of God and by His Spirit, I hope to operate this FB ministry in full mode again fairly soon.
<Segment 1>
I saw what appeared to be a battle in the sky, the clouds were dark, overcast, menacing. Suddenly, what appeared to be an armored soldier was thrown from the sky with such impact that not only was the armor suit destroyed, the person inside was spattered. From what I could see, the armor looked like Iron Man's armor, it even had "Mark V" on it.
This armoured soldier represents the supersoldiers of the New World Order (NWO), humans wearing high-powered exoskeletal lightweight armour, similar to Iron Man's portable 'Mark V' suitcase armour. These supersoldiers serve the Antichrist and the devil, and the 'Mark V' carries 2 symbolisms.
Firstly, these soldiers will all be implanted with the Mark of the Beast RFID technology, which is incorporated with demonic gene-changing ability, such that they are no longer humans made in God's image. Secondly, they are supersoldiers of the 5th (V) Age, which is the kingdom of iron (fallen angels) mixed with clay (humans), prophesied in Daniel 2:41-43. They are transhumans, in a manner similar to the angel-human hybrids we refer to as the 'nephilim' (Genesis 6:4).
These supersoldiers will attempt to engage God's holy warrior angels, but like the dragon and his fallen angels, they will be defeated resoundingly (as you see the armoured soldier in the dream being cast down to earth and destroyed). They will also attack the saints of God in the coming days, but the saints will overcome them by the Blood of the Lamb.
Here is the relevant Scriptural reference:
Revelation 12:7-11 (NKJV)
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought,8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
<Segment 2>
I found myself in a bookstore. On the shelf in front of me was several books. However, one in particular caught my attention. It was titled "CERN" & it was done in an old style leather bound edition. I picked it up & on opening it salon the pages inside pictures of spirals & portals in the skies.
Then, the book abruptly disappeared & in its spot on the shelf the following appeared in this order: a comic book with pictures of aliens bearing a strong resemblance to those in the film "Independence Day"; a comic with the Japanese version of Godzilla on the cover, it disappeared before I could open it; the 3rd comic had the Marvel character Rhino on its cover, it disappeared as well.
My attention was then diverted to a leather bound book on the shelf just below. I took it & on it was written "Arabic Bible (in red) / Quran (in green). Then, a little girl, she looked like a Malay, was wearing a hijab appeared on my right. I handed it to her. She took it, looked at it and handed it back to me, but I told her to keep it.
This segment in your dream is very important because the Holy Spirit is revealing a specific sequence of prophetic events to come, following the sequence of symbolic events in your dream. Let us examine this sequence now in detail.
I) Your attention in the bookstore was first drawn to a book titled 'CERN' on the shelf in front of you. Opening this old style leather-bound book, you saw pictures of spirals and portals in the skies. The symbolism of this first book you noticed in the book store is as follows:
The actual CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the NWO's key to opening the inter-dimensional portals that will allow demonic forces from another dimension to enter our world on Earth, fulfilling Satan's instructions to them to import his fallen minions into our time and space for the Luciferian 5th Age.
Your action of opening the book 'CERN' symbolises the opening of these star gates through the use of the CERN LHC. The old-style leather-binding presentation of the book symbolises how the attempt to open forbidden inter-dimensional portals is a goal that has been around for ages, since the fallen ones corrupted the minds of humans with practices of the occult, witchcraft, and sorcery.
(Note: The opening of the star gates will happen some time before the Day of the LORD commences with the 6th Seal. Those who wish to learn more about the CERN LHC can read this informative article: )
II) The first book vanishes, and you next saw a comic book depicting aliens which strongly resemble those from the movie, 'Independence Day'. This represents that following the successful use of the CERN LHC to open up forbidden star gates, the devil's alien-demon forces will arrive through those opened portals to invade and attack the Earth and its inhabitants.
This will happen in a fashion similar to what the movie portrays, where we will see huge destroying alien space crafts the size of cities and many smaller alien crafts that will be like fighters, swarming our skies all around the world.
(Note: The arrival and appearance of these alien-demons in our world will happen very close to the commencement of the Day of the LORD. To be sure, there are certain numbers of alien-demons already in our world, but I am referring to other alien-demons from another dimension.)
III) The second book disappears and the third book appears, which is a comic book of the Japanese Godzilla. Many of us know that Godzilla is a dinosaur that mutated after exposure to nuclear radiation. What this symbolises is that following the invasion of the alien-demon hordes in our world, these servants of Satan will unleash highly-mutated monstrous creatures upon our world.
This invasion of demonic monstrous creatures has often been portrayed in stories and movies, such as the terrifying Piken of the cruel Mogadorians in the Lorien series, made popular by the novel 'I Am Number Four', and in the recent Jurassic World movie, involving a genetically-modified intelligent predator, Indominus rex.
Not only so, the symbolism of the radioactively-mutated Godzilla points us to various coming nuclear events that will cause radioactive fall out and poisoning globally. This will happen as World War 3 breaks out with nuclear weapons being employed, and it may also include a nuclear event outside Earth's atmosphere when the governments of the world attempt to destroy the alien-demon forces with a nuclear strike, as portrayed in 'Independence Day'.
(Note: I had previously written that the devil has set up a grand delusion for the peoples of Earth, allowed by God, which includes the pitting of 'good' and 'bad' alien-demons against each other, similar to the 'Autobots' and the 'Decepticons' of the Transformers stories. The alien-demons that the governments of the world will attempt to fight off will play the villain's role.
The 'good guys' will be another species of alien-demons that will appear to aid humanity by arriving on the scene in time to help the governments of the world to fight off the villians. This is also alluded to in the alien Lorien Gardes of the 'I Am Number Four' story, who helps the humans of Earth to battle the invading wicked Mogadorian hordes.
Afterwards, these 'good' alien-demons will then offer to help mankind to evolve and progress further in their civilisation by offering their superior alien technology and knowledge to us. They will promise to help the descendants of Adam and Eve to 'be like gods' (cf Genesis 3:5).
In reality, this will simply be a ploy to lure humans into accepting the Mark of the Beast, because both the 'good guys' and the 'villians' actually serve the same master, the old dragon, Satan. They play on the same satanic team in order to ensnare humanity in the temptation of the final forbidden fruit- the Mark of the Beast RFID technology.
The timeline here is probably soon after the 3 Days of Darkness (6th Seal) and during the Great Soul Harvest, leading right up to the First Rapture of the Saints, ie. Barley Harvest.)
IV) Following the disappearance of the 'Godzilla' comic book, you saw the appearance of the final comic book, that of the Marvel character, 'Rhino'. The Rhino is a comic supervillian who started out as a dim-witted thug who got recruited by scientists to participate in a human-enhancement experiment. The Rhino's human strength, speed and durability are enhanced through biochemical alterations and biomechanical improvements, and he underwent further enhancements with radiation exposure.
This symbolises the coming global promotion of 'transhumanism' to the world, whose spiritual blindness to, and acceptance of, this demonic agenda is represented by the dim-wittedness of Marvel's Rhino character.
Transhumanism may be simply defined as the merging of humans with non-human genes and technology, in order to create a super human hybrid. This is also part of the satanic NWO's agenda, which the 'good' alien-demons with promote to mankind, as the way to achieving disease eradication and longevity, ie. becoming our own gods.
(Note: The timeline for this will most likely be after the Barley Harvest, ie. Great Tribulation, when the Restrainer of wickedness, the Holy Spirit, will be withdrawn en masse from the Earth, triggering the Rapture of the Lamb's Bride and their Wedding Guests.)
V) Following this sequence of comic books, you saw the leather-bound book, 'Arabic Bible' (in red) / 'Quran' (in green). The common trait to both is that both refer to God as 'Allah', and among the different languages of the Holy Bible, only the Arabic Bible does this. The Arabic Bible's red-coloured wording is symbolic of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, while the Quran's green-coloured wording is symbolic of the representative colour of Islam- green.
In this segment of the dream involving the Arabic Bible and Quran appearing together in a single leather-bound book, we need to understand that this symbolises the coming merger of Islam, Christianity and Roman Catholism into 'Chrislam', the apostate One-World Religion that is part of the coming great delusion (2 Thess 2:9-12). I had previously explained in my posts that Islamic Eschatology will be part of the satanic great delusion, and as such, the LORD will permit these events to take place in the end times, for His sovereign Will must be accomplished.
The Mahdi, or Twelfth Imam (Islamic Messiah) will appear to lead a vast army to battle the non-Muslims. This Mahdi will soon be joined by Isa (Islamic Jesus) who will convince the world that he (Isa) never died on the cross, and that he is a prophet of Allah. This false Jesus will coerce all Christians and Roman Catholics to renounce their faith, and embrace Islam, or face beheading as infidels.
(Note: The timeline for this will most likely be at the start of Daniel's 70th Week, which is also the beginning of the great and terrible Day of the LORD. This religious apostasy will last the entire duration of the 7 years, until the Lord returns with His holy ones at the fulfilment of His second coming and overthrows the armies of the Antichrist (Mahdi) and the False Prophet with the Sword of His mouth, as recorded for us in Revelation 19:11-20.)
<Segment 3>
I found myself outside the bookstore. A lot of people were waiting outside as if for me. They were of all races it seemed. They looked like tough people. I told them about the books I saw in the previous segment and asked one of them who appeared to be a leader, he looked like a Mexican, in his early 40's. He was tall, muscular and looked like a thug with his arms covered in tattoos. However, his face was friendly and gentle & he was wearing a dress shirt & trousers.
Only the leader had tattoos on his arms; they looked tribal in design and were mostly covered by his sleeves. His shirt was green and white checkered. Also, he was wearing a gold cross around his neck. The others were wearing gold crosses as well. He and the others around him didn't seem fazed by what I described.
Suddenly, some demonic-looking dogs appeared and ran for me, but they didn't reach me as the leader and his people produced large cane baskets from nowhere to trap the dogs before killing them with swords that appeared in their hands. I then walked away from the bookstore.
After the leader and his followers killed the demonic dogs, I heard the sounds of a large crowd coming from inside the bookstore, when they appeared, they were demon-possessed or demonic in appearance, the leader and his group move to engage them as I moved further away, didn't stay to watch the outcome. The leader and his group did say to me "We'll take care of this" before engaging the demonic horde.
Those tough-looking men who were wearing golden crosses, and who were waiting for you outside the bookstore are the holy angels of God, sent to protect His chosen saints. Their cross symbolises their allegiance to the Lamb of God, and the gold colour of the cross represents their service to the KING of Kings.
Their leader had tribal tattoos on his arms, which represent his appointment by God to lead a specific tribe of His saints, alluding to the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Based on the correct understanding of Romans 9:6-8, the 12 Tribes of Israel will include all true spiritual descendants of Abraham, which will be a mix of Gentile and Jewish disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
These holy angels in human form are familiar with the spiritual realm and the works of darkness, so that was why they didn't seem fazed by what you described to them. God had sent them to help you, and that is why you observed that they were waiting for you outside the bookstore.
The demonic dogs that suddenly appeared are a symbolic representation of the minions of Satan. They seek to attack and destroy you because you are a saint of Christ, and because of the valuable information you had obtained by God's grace in the bookstore.
Being familiar with spiritual warfare, the men knew how to deal with the demonic dogs, by containing them with cane baskets and slaying them with swords that appear in their hands by the power of the Holy Spirit. They do this because God's holy angels are called to be ministering spirits to us, in order to assist the race of Adam, by the Will of God (Hebrews 1:14).
Following the slaying of the demonic dogs, you were then confronted by the sight of a large horde of demon-possessed humans coming out from the bookstore. These are zombies who have become enslaved by demonic spirits. Once again, the men wearing gold crosses moved in to deal with the situation, while they urged you to leave the place. Indeed, they were sent by the Holy Spirit to assist you to fulfil God's calling in your life.
I shall now go into some detail concerning the symbolism of the colours and design of the leader's shirt, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The green and white colours of the leader's shirt, along with its checkered pattern, carries the following symbolism based on NASCAR flags:
A) Green signals the beginning or resumption of competition. This flag is used at the beginning of the race to begin competition or after a caution period to tell the drivers that the track is clear and they can resume position for racing
B) A white flag means that there is one more lap to go in the race. This flag is displayed exactly once per race.
C) A checkered flag holds two meanings:
1. a flag having a pattern of black and white squares, used to signal that a car has crossed the finish line and completed its race.
2.this signal indicating the first car to cross the finish line or the winner.
[Information above is taken from the following websites:]
Based on the information above, let us now understand the symbolism of the colours and checkered design of the leader's shirt in your dream.
Firstly, the green colour of his shirt represents how the holy angels of God have been sent to help us, the saints of Christ, to clear specific obstacles from our path at God's appointed time, in order that we may move forward to fulfil God's divine calling in our lives. This is similar to the green traffic light signal, which indicates to motorists that they can now resume their travel on the road.
Secondly, the white colour of the leader's shirt symbolises that we, the saints of Christ, have already entered the final lap of our race of faith in Christ Jesus. This final lap will determine if we pass God's test of refining and sanctification in our lives, in order for us to be ready for the Rapture of Christ's Bride.
Thirdly, the checkered design represents that we are about to cross the finish line of this race of faith, because those of us who pass God's test of sanctification will soon be perfected by the power of God on the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).
Among the saints of Christ, the Bride of Christ will be the first to cross the finish line by being ready for the Barley Harvest (Revelation 7:9-14). The other saints of Christ who are left behind will, by the grace of God, cross the finish line subsequently in the Wheat Harvest (Revelation 14:14-16) and Grape Harvest (Revelation 20:4-6), when they shall also be perfected in Christ by faith, obedience and perseverance.
<Segment 4>
I was a block from the bookstore and the area contrasted in design, looking something like Chinatown. I walked across the road to a bus stop. When I got closer, I was shocked to see some of the women were over 6 feet tall. Some of the men were 7 feet plus. My attention was then directed to a man walking towards the bus stop. Even though he was at least 20 metres away, he appeared to be at least 9 feet tall.
Then, an even taller guy appeared some distance behind the 1st giant. He walked at an even faster pace, quickly reaching where the 1st giant was. The 2nd giant was so tall that the 1st giant's head didn't quite reach the bottom of his waist. He clipped the 1st giant as he was walking towards the bus stop because there was a wall on their left & the path they both were on was only wide enough for 3 normal sized people to walk abreast.
It was then that I realized that the facial features of the giants didn't look fully human, nor did their body shapes. The same went for the smaller giants I saw initially. Another shocking thing was that the normal people I saw at the bus stop acted as though nothing was amiss.
My dream ended here. Through it all, instead of feeling any fear, I felt only assurance & peace.
The giants in this segment of your dream represents the new generation of angel-human hybrids, ie. demonic nephilim (see Genesis 6:4). They are already living amongst us, and they have integrated so well into our societies that most people will not notice anything amiss or unusual about them.
This concept of non-humans living and currently hiding among mankind is nothing new, and this alarming truth is reflected in movies such as the Men In Black series. Over the recent decades in particular, the enemy has been stealing human DNA through numerous alien abductions which allowed them to extract human reproductive material, such as sperm and ovarian eggs, among other diabolical methods.
Through their demonic technology, they employ genetic engineering to produce a new nephilim-like hybrid race, and to seed them among the human race, in preparation for the coming New World Order. As some of you may have read elsewhere, certain members of these humanoid alien-demons have shape-shifting abilities, which allows them to blend in with us without our notice. This is so, unless the Holy Spirit reveals them to us, as in the case of this prophetic dream given by God to our brother, Jonathan Su.
Teaching Note:
By God's grace, I shall now explain in greater detail regarding the red and green colours in the leather-bound Arabic Bible and Quran, along with their prophetic significance in the end times of our world. The red colour is connected to the Rider of the Red Horse (Seal 2- Revelation 6:3-4), while the green colour is linked to the Rider of the Pale Horse (Seal 4- Revelation 6:7-8).
The Greek word translated as 'pale' in describing the fourth apocalyptic horse is actually the word 'chlóros', which can mean 'green' or 'pale green'. This is the same Greek word from which we derive the English word, 'chlorophyll', which is the green pigmentation that God has given to all food-producing plants.
As I have highlighted already, 'green' is also the traditional colour of Islam. Here is a brief explanation for this, based on an online article from…/ex…/2009/06/islamic_greenwashing.html
'Because it was supposedly Mohammed's favorite color. The Islamic prophet is said to have worn a green cloak and turban, and his writings are full of references to the color. A passage from the Quran describes paradise as a place where people "will wear green garments of fine silk."'
Therefore, we see in Islam's colour- green, a prophetic association with the pale green horse of Revelation 6:7-8, namely, a bringer of death and destruction. Let us look at Scripture's description of the Pale Horse's Rider and his power given by God.
'And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.'
Do we see the Pale Horse and its parallel with Islamic jihad, which embraces death in the concept of 'holy wars' as a twisted ideology of glorious martyrdom? Not only so, the jihadists are commanded by the Quran to 'kill with sword' non-muslims, which is also a distinguishing trait of the Pale Horse Rider, Death himself.
What then, is another identity for Death? Is it not Allah, the moon god of Islam, who encourages his devout followers not only to kill their enemies with the sword, but to also sacrificially die for their god in holy wars against the non-muslims, especially the 'people of the Book' (Jews and Christians)? Indeed, the Islamic jihadists believe that Allah will grant them direct entry to paradise where they can enjoy various carnal pleasures, as long as they willingly die for their god, Allah, in a holy war.
Do we note that Hades follows Death in Revelation 6:8? So then, those who die in jihad (holy war) for Allah (Death) will end up in Allah's paradise (Hades), which is no paradise at all! Indeed, there have been several stories, apparently told by various former Islamic jihadists who had died in jihad, and who expected to fly up to paradise in heaven, only to find themselves being taken down to Hades instead.
This is supernatural confirmation of what the 4th Seal reveals to us regarding the Rider of the Pale Horse as the Muslim's god of death, Allah. It is arguable that in many instances where the Islamic jihadists have wrought devastation, famine and hunger also follow in the wake of their destruction.
At this point, some of you may be wondering how I can possibly say that the Pale Horseman is Allah, since all the 4 Apocalyptic Horsemen do the bidding of God's sovereign Will in the end times, and Allah is an enemy of the true Creator God.
Well, the simple answer is that our God has total dominion over all principalities, rulers and authorities of the dark spiritual realms, including all who oppose Him. As such, they must obey His sovereign Will, and carry out His divine judgment upon the earth, in the present period of the birth pains upon the earth, as well as the coming time of Daniel's 70th Week (7-year Great Tribulation).
We see this biblical truth illustrated in the Holy Scriptures in the example of the lying spirit which God had sent to deceive king Ahab's false prophets, in order to bring about Ahab's prophesied death (1 King 22). Therefore, let us understand that God can use the false god Allah to fulfil His sovereign Will in these end times as well. For His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. For as the heavens are above the earth, so are His ways and His thoughts higher than our ways and our thoughts (see Isaiah 55:8-9).
Let us now look at the red colour of the words 'Arabic Bible'. How is it that this colour, traditionally associated with the redemptive blood of the Son of God by many believers, has an association with the Red Horse of the 2nd Seal in Revelation 6:3-4? For our understanding, let us compare the following two Scriptures:
Revelation 6:3-4 (NKJV)
3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.
Matthew 10:34-36 (NKJV)
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’"
The Greek word that is translated as 'peace' in Revelation 6:4 is the same Greek word that also translates to the word 'peace' in the Lord's proclamation in Matthew 10:34. This is the Greek word 'eiréné', which can refer to 'peace of mind' which comes from the 'wholeness' of a complete unit, such as a household.
Do we see the striking parallels in both Scriptures above? The Lord declares that He has not come to bring peace, but to bring division instead, which is what the Red Horseman is supposed to do, ie. take peace away from the world that is under God's righteous judgment.
This will occur when members of a family turn against one another, because the Lord needs His saints to stand uncompromisingly in His holiness and righteousness, which will cause friction with lukewarm believers and unbelievers in one's family, and bring division within one's household.
Additionally, the Lord declares that He has come to bring a sword, and a (great) sword is also what the Red Horseman has been given, and the biblical understanding of the sword is the judgment of Almighty God that will bring in death and destruction (Job 19:29, Ezekiel 21:1-17). However, let me clarify that the Red Horseman is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, though he does the bidding of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
When we put the pieces of God's revelation in this dream segment together, we see that the Lord is warning us that the coming deceptive One-World religion, Chrislam, will incorporate the horrifying effects of the Red Horseman and the Pale Horseman, which we already see happening in various places now.
Our brothers and sisters-in-Christ who remain steadfast in their faith and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ in the face of death by the hands of Islamists (several of whom were betrayed and reported to the jihadists by Muslim family members), they are the ones who have experienced the sword of both the Red Horseman (which brings division and strife in their family and community) and the sword of the Pale (Green) Horseman, which is Islam and its jihad.
Indeed, the Mahdi (Islamic Messiah) will appear soon, along with Isa (Islamic Jesus), and lead a vast army of jihadists under the green banner of Islam to conquer the world for their god, Allah, and the earth shall be stained with the red blood of many brave and loyal martyrs of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Herein lies the Holy Spirit's revelation of the combined effects of the Red Horseman and the Pale (Green) Horseman, an association that not many Christians have understood well, including myself, until now. Thanks be to our God for revealing these important truths to us, so that we shall not be blind to what is coming.
In Christ,
Mark Chen
Thank you for sharing. This is deep information. I had plenty dreams about zombies and they were running, not walking at all. People were running franticly. I appreciate the interpretation. May God be the glory and receive all glory in Yeshua's name.