Friday, June 26, 2015

The State of Marriage in America, Jade Helm 15, Martial Law, and God's Judgment

Dearest saints,

I am sharing the recent visions/dreams from 2 sisters-in-Christ, along with the corresponding interpretation the Lord has given me through His Holy Spirit for each one. After these, I am also posting a Rhema Word from the Lord. As always, please prayerfully discern the message and seek the Lord in prayer for personal confirmation.

1) Sister Malva Shearer
Sat. June 20th, 2015 at 2:22 a.m.

I was awakened with the sound of one strike on what i instantly knew was a chinese gong. I sat up in bezd and heard the Lord God say, "look at the time"...I glanced at my clock and it was 2:22 a.m. I laid in bed and knew this was from the Lord..while i continued to pray about the gong and the time of 2:22 I had an open vision of being on a road running towards what I knew was a finish line. I was about 1/4 of a block from the finish line and I was intently running and looking at the banner that was held up at the finish line.

The banner was very large and was a paper American Flag.. I knew that to get to the finish line i would run thru that paper American Flag.. I woke up before I got to the flag..After praying for understanding I felt the gong was a wake up call from Jesus and the time of 2:22 meant witness & light. I prayed more about the banner being the American Flag and felt somehow it represents the 4th of July but am not sure. Wanted to know if the Lord Jesus would give you any interpretation.

Mark Chen:

The Chinese gong being sounded symbolises how the Americans are going to be awoken from their spiritual slumber when Chinese military forces invade the U.S. in the near future. The numbers 2:22 can represent witness and light, specifically in the context of John 2:22, and Isaiah 2:22. We are to trust no man's words, except the Son of Man, who has warned us about coming prophetic events before they happen, so that when they happen, we may believe Him (John 14:29).
Your run on the road symbolises the believer's journey in the narrow path that leads to life (Matt 7:13-14).The 1/4 of a block remaining distance to the finish line represents that this journey of salvation in Christ Jesus is near the time of completion , when the day of Christ comes (Philippians 1:6).

The paper American flag forming the finish line indicates that the race will be completed when America is torn apart, just like how paper can be torn apart easily. Many people have received visions and dreams of the Bride of Christ being rescued heavenward in the Rapture at the same time that nuclear missiles are about to hit America (From Russia, China, North Korea).

Whether this will happen on the 4th of July, only our Abba Father knows (Matthew 24:36). May God have mercy on us all.


2a) Sister Elizabeth,
June 23, Tuesday

Yesterday I had 2 dreams and a vision, I would like to share one of the dream and the vision.
"Daughter, write this down: I Am Coming, No One Can Stop Me! Get ready, for time is no more. Incline your ears to me, sin not, I will chasten who is Mine." (interruption)(When I came back, I asked about Jade Helm, I heard):"Jade Helm is not what people think. It will make the whole world to change. It will cause people lose their freedom."

Right after this the Lord gave me a vision: a boy about 6 years old (ie. my guess), standing behind the barbed wire, placing hands on the wire. I also saw president Obama with a big smile, was riding on a horse; the color of the horse I believe is dark brown. He has a crown on his head, a sash, I believe was red, people were cheering shouting, welcome him. (I got interrupted again, when I came back I ask the Lord to continue with the last vision). I saw president Obama was riding a donkey passing under Arc de Triomphe of Paris.

Mark Chen:
Jade Helm 15 is a nefarious means to introduce and implement martial law in America, (working in union with the UN), and many people will be herded to FEMA camps, including children, when that time comes. They will become prisoners behind barbed wire and locked gates, and their constitutional freedom and rights will be taken away from them.

The POTUS will happily reign over the chaos in the nation, and he is cheered on and crowned by many as their 'king'. The red colour of the sash represents the Rider of the Red Horse, which is the second Seal horseman (Rev 6:3-4). It confirms that Obama will bring about war and destruction, while masquerading as a gentle leader of peace. He rides on a donkey, which symbolises false peace, because he is going to emulate the Lord Jesus Christ who rode into Jerusalem on a colt, the young of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-11).

In a nation that will soon be overcome by racial wars, calamities and the persecution of patriots, including true Christians, Obama is going to portray himself as a saviour to America (and the whole world) by pretending to be the Prince of Peace, and to convince the people that he is the leader who can provide peace and security to them in a crumbling world of chaos.

Riding beneath the Arc of Triumph symbolises Obama's self-perceived triumph over the people of God (Matthew 24:9-13) and the people of the world (2 Cor 4:4), but just as the originator of the Arc of Triumph, Napoleon, eventually lost his imperialistic power over France, Obama and his imperialistic worldwide reign of terror will also eventually be overthrown by the Rider on the White Horse, who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Revelation19:11-20).

Unlike what the majority of believers think, the Antichrist is NOT the Rider of the White Horse in the first Seal (Rev 6:1-2). That Person is Christ Jesus, who rides forth to reclaim the world for His Kingdom of righteousness. There is only one Rider of the White Horse in the book of Revelation, and both times it is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is faithful and true.

2b) Dream
I used to go to a lukewarm church, they were eating in pastor's house. Some of them I met before, some I never met. They were in different rooms. I went to a room and told them the Lord told me last week: prepare for the Great Awakening. I forgot to tell them the Lord's instruction, which is read His word, preach His word.

I don't know how, my sister appeared in the dream and gave me a bunch of flower.

Mark Chen:

The Great Awakening that God has asked the Christians to prepare for in the second vision points to the start of the great and terrible Day of the LORD (Joel 2:30-31, Revelation 6:12-17). From this great spiritual awakening, we shall see the fulfilment of Ephesians 5:14 in many people's lives.

Rhema Word received by Mark Chen on 26 June 2015 (American date)

" My children of America, today is a sad day for Me, and one which has caused My indignation to rise even further concerning the abominable state of affairs regarding the sacred institution of marriage in your once-great nation. Your Supreme Court has ruled by majority that My divine definition of marriage as a sanctified union between only a man and a woman is wrong. Instead, they have ruled that men's expansion of legal marriage to include homosexual unions is correct.

The winning margin of votes among your nation's justices in this landmark decision may be just one vote, but it is enough to officially change the course of your nation's history, and to evoke My righteous judgment upon the nation of America. I know that many of My faithful children in America have prayed fervently against this outcome, but My Will must be done, dear saints.

I have ordained that those who desire the ways of wickedness and who reject My righteous Word will be given over to their depraved minds and actions, so that they can eat their fill of their own abominations, and stumble over their own vomit and filth, never to rise again. This is My judgment upon the ones who continually reject Me and My ways, and who have no regard for My holiness and righteousness. They have trampled My precious gift of salvation in the mud, and so they shall reap what they have sown- eternal condemnation!

Beware of My wrath, you wicked sinners! You shall drink of the mighty cup of God's wrath, and you shall become drunk and be filled with the dread of My righteous anger and divine judgment! Let us see whose word on marriage will stand - yours or Mine! I assure you that you will bemoan the day you chose to blatantly transgress against the Almighty God, the Great I AM, and think that you can freely change My set laws on marriage, without any consequence. Woe to you, America, for the time of your chastening has come! REPENT! I SAY TO YOU, REPENT! For I desire none of you to languish in the torment of eternal flames in the lake of fire!

I have lifted My Hand of divine protection over your nation, O America, for I have no need to defend a rebellious people who refuse to uphold My Holy Scriptures. Those who belong to Me, and who walk with Me in true faith, repentance and obedience, they shall inherit My eternal Kingdom. Not so the wicked, for they are like chaff that the wind blows away, once I AM done going through them with My winnowing fork at My threshing floor.

Are you ready, America? Once I have removed My Hand of protection over you, there is no turning back, for My judgment will run its course, until the appointed time of your punishment is completed. I will no longer place a hedge around you to shield you from your enemies, but I will use them as My rod of chastisement upon you. Even now, many nations are aiming to take you down to the depths, and to tear your nation apart with their weapons of mass destruction.

Not only so, your present government have betrayed you into the hands of your enemies, working complicity with them in order to subject your nation and people to the coming martial law, and under the dictatorship of the one they call the 'American Pharaoh'.

Many of My faithful saints will rise up in civil disobedience following this Supreme Court decision on the legal definition of marriage, and many shall be arrested and imprisoned for upholding My righteous Word, and for refusing to bend to the devil's will. This all leads up to the start of the massive military exercise in your nation, that strives to 'master the human domain'. My children, this is Satan's goal all along, to subjugate My creation to his kingdom of darkness and death.

The American Pharaoh will gleefully welcome his brief reign of terror over your nation, and the whole world. Do not be deceived, My loves, for he cannot give you lasting peace or true security; he does only what the father of lies has taught him- to steal, kill, and to destroy. When he lies, he speaks his native tongue, for there is no love of truth in him, the son of perdition, who is the man of lawlessness.

I shall make America an object lesson for all others, for your nation's pride and arrogance has led to your downfall, since so many of your people do as they deem fit, just as My people, the Israelites had done in the time of the judges. You have bought into the devious teaching of the serpent: 'Do as you will, for you shall be like gods.' I tell you the truth, My children, those who embrace this fatal lie will pave the way to their own destruction, and their condemnation is justly deserved!

I AM coming to rescue My beloved Bride, and though My chosen saints will have to endure the birth pains in the earth for a little while longer, I promise you that your present suffering will not be worth comparing to the glory that shall be revealed in you, the righteous sons and daughters of God at the time of your manifestation in My Glory!

My Scriptures foretell that some of you have been appointed to die for My Name's sake, but My faithful martyrs shall not fear death, for they will be accorded great commendation in My Father's heavenly Kingdom. I tell you the truth, I shall receive them personally into My arms, and say to them, "Well done, My good and faithful servant. You have not denied Me, even in the face of death. I will not deny you, and I will acknowledge you with great joy and pride before the Father and His holy angels. Come into My Father's rest!"

Let your faith arise now, My saints, for the day of evil is upon you. Put on the armour of My light, in order that you may stand in My power and divine protection, as the forces of darkness increase all around the world. Let none of My saints follow the ways of this sin-darkened world any longer, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds according to My Gospel that sanctifies you, My loves.
Those who still cling stubbornly to the pleasures of their carnal flesh will not be ready for My coming, for My Bride must abide in Me and My holiness daily through Faith, Hope and Love. This you can do only if you walk in step with My Holy Spirit, and crucify your worldly desires to My
Cross daily, by the power of My death and resurrection.

Look up, for your King comes quickly, and your redemption draws ever nearer! Do not let your hearts be troubled, My loves, for I AM your Peace!"

- Jesus Christ,
He who is called Faithful and True

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