Monday, September 15, 2014

Timeline of Tribulation

My dearest children, 9-9-14

Good morning to the children of the Most High God. I want to bring some clarification to those who have questioned whether or not we are in the tribulation era. Please children, call upon the Holy Spirit’s divine presence right now before you continue reading my holy words this day. Please sit and pray and ask my Holy Spirit to anoint you for a deeper understanding of ...what I am about to explain. Once you feel the anointing of my Holy Spirit, then proceed with reading the remainder of my words. I have called my daughter to more stricter fasting to receive the remainder of the mysteries of the Bible. I have called for her to do without eating anything but bread for the next several days. It is important to kill the flesh when serving the Lord in this capacity for the enemy likes to sneak in words upon those who are called my messengers and prophets. Please understand children that without my Holy Spirit that no one and I mean no one, not even the most astute biblical scholars in the world can translate my Holy Word.

Now that we have established that, allow me to explain where we are on the timeline of tribulation. My children, back in March of 2013 one said Barack Obama visited my birth place. He stood there and just stared and glared as he took note of where the real Messiah to the world was born. He did not bat an eyelash. He did not even wink in wonderment. No children, he did not because I am not his Messiah. Lucifer is his Messiah. He stood there and uttered insult after insult at the place where I was born, and then approximately one year later the Pope also visited my Holy birth site and also carried out in the same fashion. So within a period of approximately a year two men came to your Heavenly Father’s birthplace and stood to mock me. These are the first two abominations of desolation as according to my Holy Word. There are many of these events that will occur in the period between now and the fateful day of Armageddon where Lucifer and his minions will be kicked into hell. These events are actually according to the throne room of God severe public insults as to the identity and respect of who the Messiah truly is. The United States President worships Lucifer, but many of the people of this once great nation still worship me. It is only because this that I have not rendered the most severe form of judgment upon them. Once the Peace Treaty is signed though children, those who have participated in dividing my land will in the same fashion have their land divided.

Children, the true tribulation era for those who will be raptured in the first rapture was on March 22, 2014. This is the date of the beginning of the tribulation. It was at Christmas in 2013 that the NWO gathered in Jerusalem to sign a Peace Accord. The Peace Accord was placed on paper, there was a ceremony where a baby Jesus doll was carried by the Pope and they mocked and ridiculed your Lord and Savior. You see my dearest children, this was on Christmas morning of 2013 and I woke my daughter up early in the morning and expressed my grief to her. This festival of Satan angered me so much that I wanted to ventilate my emotions to one of my earthly servants. The Peace Accord has been finalized my children with the exception of a few tiny details. The problem is that the world at large does not know this because what the NWO allows the general public to know is very limited. What you are seeing is a staged war in Jerusalem right now. They are posturing as they get their military equipment moved closer to Jerusalem. They plan on moving in and taking over very soon. An official Peace Treaty will publically be signed in which the world will be duped into thinking that they just came up with a solution. My children, the world is a stage and you are just the audience. The NWO has worked out every single last minute arrangement with the super powers and is now finalizing its plans on whose ships will be allowed to dock where. It is finalizing troop movements of the United Nations across the planet. These are details that are extrabiblical and need the Holy Spirit to confirm with you in your prayer closets. Once the Peace Accord is publically signed, it essentially allows the NWO in tandem with the United Nations to occupy and carry out martial law anywhere they choose to across the earth. Yes children, these are my words and I am the Lord God Almighty and I have spoken. So when you question any prophetic word of any of my servants please come to me after much sincere prayer and worship and I will testify to you that the words are mine or are mine and slightly contaminated by the enemy. My prophets are serving the throne room of the Lord God Almighty and take upon themselves many risks.

So where do you go from here now children? Now you are instructed in my Holy Word to test all spirits. Come unto me and I will testify to you that you are actually in the tribulation. I have all authority to either speed up these seven years or prolong it because I am God and all prophecy belongs to me. I made prophecy as a ruler to establish a framework for my children to understand when I will be arriving to the earth, both as a man and then as Conqueror in the end. Do not mock my prophets who put their lives out on the line each and every day as they bring forth my words. Do not risk your rapture readiness by mocking them. Love them and understand that their relationship with their Creator is a bit different. Lift them up in prayers daily for they are like reading the morning headlines at times. They can give you sneak peeks into the heart of God. And when my heart moves towards my people and I want to convey a message, I send a word to my prophets and they bring it forth. My daughter Gwendolen obediently sits at my feet for hours each day. I have called her to retire from her 24 year history of working as a nurse to take these messages from me, my Father, and occasionally one of my angels. She has given up her entire income, her reputation amongst her family and friends, and will eventually join the ranks of my mighty army much like many of my other faithful children. I am commanding all of my children to love unequivocally. Just love and do not condemn. Soon when the clocks of heaven and earth merge, you will understand that what you do in slicing and dicing dates and times does not do anything more than stir up resentment amongst the Bride. Focus on ME your Heavenly Father first, then prophecy. Focus on being rapture ready first, then everything else will fall into order precious children.
I love you all with an enduring heart. My eyes leak tears just anticipating my arrival to your skies.

Your Groom, Yeshua

Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. (I want my children to know that from the context of this verse that with my Spirit anything can be accomplished. This including understanding prophetic words. No one’s head knowledge or own power can interpret the Word of God. Only by My Spirit.)

Genesis 1:2 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. *(My Spirit was there from the very beginning, daughter, to testify to all things.)

Daniel 9:25-27
25 “Know therefore and understand,
That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street[a] shall be built again, and the wall,[b]
Even in troublesome times.
26 “And after the sixty-two weeks
Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

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