Friday, September 26, 2014


2014 925日,全能神向我开口说话。有人称他为耶和华神,有人称他为 Yahweh. 我称他为造物主和人类之父。他是我们救主耶稣基督的父。他要我为将要发生的人类大灾难写一首诗。做全能神宝座的传话筒并不是件容易的事,但我对它认真对待。我明白我们所处时日的紧迫,我更理解顺服我的造物主的严肃性。他已选择我说出他的话。这些不是我的话而是来自人类造物主。










耶和华神 – 全宇宙的缔造者

(我是那用天上的水充满你们的海 我也是那将吗那从天而降的神。我应该成为你和你家人的一切。来自我宝座的全部的爱。)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mark of the beast

  • There was a documentary watched L.A Marzulli ''Watchers'' dvd, explained people receing an implant similar to the Mark of the beast - RFID CHIP because its also size of grain of rice. When they reported to have been abducted by alien, the implant they recieved during the abduction was deeply embedded inside person tissue, took the surgeon around 13 to 16 procedures to remove, one removed this implant was size of grain of rice, the mass was so dense, it needed a laser to cut it, not with scapel. One cut into 2 pieces they found out it had a processing speed of up to 320GHZ the average computer processing speed is around 3.2GHZ, also the density of the implant could not be found / recorded on earth, it had to be a material somewhere outside of earth. Also it had the ability to alter a person's DNA. Also over time the 2 pieces over time gradually become together assembling itself as one, even though the implant was cut into 2 earlier. This implant has similar characteristic as the RFID CHIP also known as the mark of the beast.
  • In one situation a guy was calling out this flying orbs in the sky on the news, later L.A Marzulli shared His testimony of interview the guy, he ask him what do you think of the blood of Jesus, the guy started manifesting. Similar like a demon possessed person would manifest when the Name of JESUS is called out in casting out demons. One situation of alien encounter with pastor. UFO aircraft landed on the field or His garden, the pastor went outside of His home, to see, these beings came out of the UFO aircraft that landed, more than one, and told him we have the answer'' But the pastor replied: I already found the answer, JESUS'' They replied don't say that. The pastor replied: ''You mean JESUS'' Then the alien beings went back into their aircraft and disappeared. This is a confirmation that aliens are demons, that try to manifest as a false light, demons are space shifters, they manifest in different forms to deceive man kind.
  • A situation of Christian, she saw 5 angels came into her room, but she started speaking in tongue in prayer to test the spirit. Later the 5 angels unable to hold their form and turned into demons and they dropped one by one. Also had personal dream of casting out aliens (demons that look like aliens in movies) In Jesus name and they get destroyed. Also had dreams of aliens descending down on earth in fireballs, the fireballs fell on the ground and turned into a group of people and then it changed in to a fish like looking demon. Many fireballs dropped onto the earth. And also having other dreams of seeing UFO aircraft coming upon the earth. This will occur in the great Tribulation, a great deception when even the elect will be deceived, this is the reason why many Christians are now receiving dreams of alien deception, they are things to occur in a larger scale in the great tribulation, as these alien(demon) manifestation already occuring NOW. There is a chance they will help usher in the Mark of the beast RFID chip with their fancy technology.
  • Daniel 2:43 And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they will mix themselves with the seed of men, but they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. The Nephelim blood line? Giants like David and Goliath in the last days? or does this verse have double meaning? Man was made of dust, we are molded like clay the potter's hand by God, RFID chip mark of the beast = made of metal parts (iron) Man = clay ''But they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay'' therefore those receiving the mark of the beast, will receive sores in their body, as the body tissue rejects the metal implanted in their body. RFID also know to cause cancer as been used in farm animals to track them.
  • Revelation 16:2 Then the first came and poured his vial to the earth, and vile and evil sores came upon mankind, those who had the mark of the beast, those who bowed down to his image. Could be a confirmation verse on alien (demonic seed) / Mark of the beast / alien implant trying to mix with the seed of Men ''they will mix themselves with the seed of men''


在一部由L.AMarzulli 制作的叫“看守人”的纪录片解释人们接受类似兽的印记RFID芯片的一种植入,它的大小也如米粒一般。人们报告说他们曾被外星人绑架,在绑架过程中被迫接受皮植, 此植入如此之深地嵌人组织内,需要外科医生约1316程序去除,一是去除该植入物如米粒大小的肿块,需要一个激光切割它,一般的手术刀片无法做到。当把它切成2块时发现它有高达320GHZ的处理速度,而普通计算机的处理速度大约是3.2GHZ,而且其植入物的密度在地球上未见过也未曾有过记录。它必然是来自外星的一种物质。此外,它有改变一个人的DNA的能力。不仅如此,随着时间的推移,即便是将它切成两块,它们最终也会长成一起。这种移植物有和兽的印记RFID芯片相似的特征。

有一次一个人在新闻中向一个飞行物呼喊,随后 LA Marzullis 见证说当他采访此人时问他如何看耶稣的宝血时,这家伙开始显现作怪,此情形类似于一个被鬼所附的人听到耶稣的名字后被赶出时在人身上作怪的情形。又有一次一个牧师遭遇了外星人。飞碟降落在他家后院。当他走出屋见到这些生物时,他们告诉牧师说他们有答案。但牧师回答他们说“我已经找到了答案,是耶稣”时,他们说不要那样说。牧师说“你是说耶稣吗?”那些生物开始退到他们的船上并消失了。这证明外星人是来自魔鬼,他们以假光出现在人面前,以不同的形式迷惑人。

有一次,一个主内姐妹看到5个天使模样的出现在她房间,她开始用方言祷告来测试它们的灵。不一会这5个“天使”无法保持他们的形象而变回魔鬼的样式并瘫倒在地。有人曾梦到奉耶稣的名赶出了魔鬼(像电影里的外星人)。还有人梦到外星人像火球一样落到地上,然后变成一群人的样子,然后变成像鱼样子的鬼。在实际生活中有很多人证明说看到火球从天而降。也有很多人证明看到飞碟。这就是为什么很多基督徒梦到外星人。这些事会在大灾难时期发生,有些事现在已经正在发生。这些外星人很可能采用他们的科技帮助实施FRID 芯片和魔鬼的印记的计划。


2:43   你 既 见 铁 与 泥 搀 杂 , 那 国 民 也 必 与 各 种 人 搀 杂 , 却 不 能 彼 此 相 合 , 正 如 铁 与 泥 不 能 相 合 一 样 。

人是由泥做的,而RFID 芯片是金属(铁)做的,铁和泥不能相合,那些接收兽印记的人,他们的皮肤上会生疮,因他的肉体会排斥植入的芯片。 RFID 芯片还会致癌。

启 示 录 Revelation

16:2   第 一 位 天 使 便 去 , 把 碗 倒 在 地 上 , 就 有 恶 而 且 毒 的 疮 , 生 在 那 些 有 兽 印 记 , 拜 兽 像 的 人 身 上 。

Are you ready, bride?

On this day of September 25, 2014 I was spoken to by the Lord God Almighty. Some call him Jehovah God. Some call him Yahweh. I call him the Creator and the Father of mankind. He is the Father of our Savior Jesus Christ. He has asked me to write a poem about his upcoming destruction to this planet. It is not an easy thing to be the mega phone for the throne of God, but I take this job quite seriously. I understand the seriousness of the hour, and I also understand the seriousness of obeying this request of my Creator. He has chosen me to speak HIS WORDS forth. These are not my words, but the words of OUR CREATOR.

My children, do you understand that the signs of my Son’s coming are everywhere? My children, do you understand that when fireballs fall from the heavens that they are from MY HANDS? I am trying to get the attention of those who do not walk with me or my Son closely. I open up my mighty right righteous hand and release fireballs upon your planet to demonstrate my omnipotent authority. There are truly no other signs that I need to display prior to my Son coming back to rapture his bride. There are no other signs that need to be shown.

Are you ready, bride? Are you ready to enter into the bridal chamber? Have you inspected your gowns? Have you been thoroughly cleansed by reading my Holy Word? Children, allow me to speak to you through my daughter’s poetry, as poetry is the language of the throne of God. Many of you are not aware of this, but it is true. The language spoken in heaven is a language of peacefulness and respect, and if you follow my daughter’s poetry very closely, you will see that her writing is from the heavens. It is the language of me and my son, and it is often one of the tools that I use to communicate with my children.

Fireballs descending.

Judgments releasing.

The hand of your Creator speaks forth his righteous indignation.

Meteor showers.

Late is the hour.

All eyes should be turning towards the heavens.

What shall I do to get my children to look up towards me and my Son?

What other measures shall I deliver unto the planet this day?

I have awakened several sleepy volcanoes and opened several fissures upon the earth’s crust.

I have dried up some of your rivers and caused mudslides along the coastal regions.

Only a few heads are now turning towards the throne of God.

What more shall I do, dear children?

Perhaps if I send a meteor the size of Texas you will look up to me and my Son.

If I send a meteor that causes the earth to crack and the oceans to consume your once great lands.

Perhaps if I increase the severity of my judgments that millions more will take notice that there is a mighty God and a mighty Son who love them and wants to rescue them from the plans of the evil one who is about to arrive on the scene.

Children, the hour is late and the enemy is scheming up the most horrendous attacks upon your earth. The enemy is bringing with him millions of alien space craft to implement the mark of the beast. Surrender! Surrender unto me and my Son now! Cover everyone you know with the blood of the Lamb! Surrender every decision that you will make this day unto me and my Son.

I want all of my children who believe they are worthy to be raptured as part of my bride to begin living each day differently now. I want each and every one of you to come before me on your knees each and every morning and sit in my presence for an hour. Set your alarm clocks earlier if you need to. Now is not the time to be slack in this endeavor. You need to ask me how you should spend your precious time now. You need to be focusing on hearing my voice and the voice of your Shepherd. Seek me in all things, dear children. Seek me before you log onto your computers. Is surfing the web a good utilization of your time as I am about to send my Son to rapture his bride? Is wasting time on video games or going to movies or the mall? I say NO children. I say sit in my presence and ask me to purify you in order that you may escape all the things coming to this planet. The hour is nigh. The hour is NOW. Come unto me this day. Call upon me the Mighty Jehovah God and call upon the best thing that has ever happened to you-MY SON JESUS CHRIST!

I love you all with a love that is never ending!

*Jehovah God-The Creator of the Entire Universe*

(I am the One who filled the oceans with my heavenly water. I am the One who sends forth my Heavenly Manna too. I truly should be everything to you and your families. All of my love from my throne room).

Descending Demons: My Dream of the Alien Invasion

Descending Demons: My Dream of the Alien Invasion by G. Rix June 2014

Words from Jesus Christ

In June of 2014 I had a prophetic dream. In this dream I was sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot of a nearby hospital. I was sitting in the front seat behind the steering wheel and off in the distance I saw them coming in droves. Hundreds of them! Disc shaped space craft were descending upon my city and within a minute or two they were hitting my vehicle too. I was even allowed to sense the vibration in my dream as they bounced off my windows. I was stunned as this dream unfolded and wondered how the rest of my suburb would respond to this alien invasion. End of dream.

My dear children, I have asked my daughter to please share this dream that I had given her a few months ago for it is a most significant dream. She is given prophetic dreams every day, but many are for her own personal knowledge. This dream is to be shared with the world. Please hear your Lord and Savior this day, dear children. Within this dream are many hidden revelations. Allow me to help you understand what is coming to your city also.

In the days ahead there will be an alien invasion. This invasion has been spoken of by many of my messengers, but this dream has newer content in it from my throne room. In this dream my daughter was shown the first round of invaders. They will actually come from far off galaxies and be in smaller vessels. It will surprise many when these demons aliens begin descending upon cities across the planet. The first wave of these demon aliens will be in smaller vessels that are not so intimidating. They will be trying to desensitize my children to their presence. They will even have some common looking characters within their vessels. Characters from your children’s favorite cartoons and alien creatures that resemble the science fiction movies that have been so popular across your theatre screens. This has been their ploy all along my children. Yes, they have been trying to condition you to their appearance from decades ago. They have been slowly introduced into your movies, your culture, and lastly into your children’s toys and video games. Don’t you see the great delusion, my children? It is now upon you. This great delusion will cost many of my children their lives for they will run outdoors to go and greet these so called friendly visitors. I have sent this same message to my son, messenger Ed Amos, that I do not want my children to flock outside to greet them. They will grab you and begin implementing the mark of the beast upon you. That is their main goal. They are arriving to your planet for the implementation of the mark of the beast as is written in my Holy Word (Revelation 13). These demons are the agents of Lucifer himself and these demons are ruthless as they will help carry out his plans to drag as many of my children to hell with him and his accomplices. Please hear me my children. When you see them arriving in the skies, go to your homes and begin praying to me and ask me to help cleanse your hearts and set your hearts free of the enemy. If you refuse the mark of the beast and die by other means, I will allow you to come into my heavenlies. I surely will for I am a merciful God. I have sent so many messages to my messengers that the rapture of the church is at hand. I have sent dreams, visions, and allowed supernatural weather events. What more can I do, dear children? I am about to unleash my wrath upon this earth and as some of my children are impatiently awaiting my arrival, you can see my heart of compassion for those who will be left behind. Rejecting the Lord God and living in holiness is a very serious thing, my children. Everything that I am requiring of my Bride is all throughout my Holy Word, but my children would rather play on their electronic gadgets and phones than spend time getting to know me in the Holy Book. When the Holy Book is read revelations are poured out from the pages. Revelations about my heart for mankind and my eternal paradise for each of you in my heavenlies.

 Please hear my heartfelt plea to come to me in complete holiness and repentance this day! None of my children can say that they were not warned. I have also had my Holy Spirit working overtime all throughout the earth sharing the nearness of these events and the need to wash your hearts in the blood of the Lamb.

Come to me before it is too late. Spread this message even if you fear mockery, children. Spread my words and save the souls of your friends, neighbors, and other family members.

Love, Jesus Christ, The One True Messiah to the World

For more messages please visit the web address below

Joel 2:28-29 It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways.

Romans 10:12-14 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED." How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?

Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

堕落的天使: 我的关于外星人入侵的梦

堕落的天使: 我的关于外星人入侵的梦

Gwendolen Rix 2014 6




在将来的日子会有外星人入侵。我的其他信使们也提到过该入侵。但此梦有来自我宝座的新内容。在这梦里我女儿看到的是第一轮的入侵。他们实际来自遥远的星系并用较小的飞船。当它们从天而降时很多人都会大吃一惊。第一轮外星人的船会较小使它们看起来不太吓人。它们会尝试接近你们。在他们中你会见到一些熟悉的形象。一些在你们的孩子们常看的卡通片及那些在电影院放映的科幻影片中的外星人形象。这是他们的计划,孩子们。是的,十几年前他们就在为此做准备。他们慢慢地将外星人的概念灌输到你们的电影,文化,你们孩子们的玩具及电子游戏中。孩子们,你们没有意识到他们的大欺骗吗?现在要临到你们。他们的蒙骗会要很多人的命。因为很多人会出来与这些看起来友好的外来客们接近。我已将同样的信息给了我的儿子,信使Ed Amos, 警告我的孩子们不要靠近它们。它们会抓住你并试图将兽的印记刻在你身上。这是他们的主要目的。一如我的圣经启示录13章提到的,它们来到你们星球就是为了给你们标上兽的印记。它们是撒旦的使者,它们毫无人情,它们会不折不扣地执行撒旦的计划,就是将更多的人拉人地狱。请听我的话,孩子们。当你们看到他们出现在你们的天空,请进入你们的屋子开始祷告求我洁净你们并释放你们。你若因拒绝兽的印记并以此而失去生命,我会允许你进入我的天国。我一定会,因我是慈悲的神。我已经给了我的信使们许多信息警示你们教会的被提迫在眉睫。我也赐给你们很多异梦,异象并允许非常气候的发生。还要我做什么,孩子们?我的盛怒就要撒在地上,我的很多孩子们已等的不耐烦,你们可了解我对那些将要被留下的人的心?拒绝你的神还是过圣洁的日子,这是个很严肃的问题。我对我的新妇的要求都写在圣经中。但你们宁愿花时间摆弄你们的电子仪器和电话,却不愿花时间在我的圣书中寻求我。当你读圣经时就会给你启示。启示你关于我对人类的心愿和我在天国里为你们所准备的永恒的乐园。今天请聆听发自我内心的请求,带着悔改的心和圣洁的心来到我面前。没有人能说他们对我的警告一无所知。我也使我的圣灵在世界各地加班加点地做工分享这些事件的紧迫性和用羔羊的宝血洗净你的罪过的重要性。



以 后 , 我 要 将 我 的 灵 浇 灌 凡 有 血 气 的 。 你 们 的 儿 女 要 说 预 言 。 你 们 的 老 年 人 要 作 异 梦 。 少 年 人 要 见 异 象 。
在 那 些 日 子 , 我 要 将 我 的 灵 浇 灌 我 的 仆 人 和 使 女 。

希 伯 来 书 Hebrews

神 既 在 古 时 借 着 众 先 知 , 多 次 多 方 的 晓 谕 列 祖 ,

罗 马 书 Romans

犹 太 人 和 希 利 尼 人 , 并 没 有 分 别 。 因 为 众 人 同 有 一 位 主 , 他 也 厚 待 一 切 求 告 他 的 人 。
因 为 凡 求 告 主 名 的 , 就 必 得 救 。
然 而 人 未 曾 信 他 , 怎 能 求 他 呢 ? 未 曾 听 见 他 , 怎 能 信 他 呢 ? 没 有 传 道 的 , 怎 能 听 见 呢 ?

启 示 录 Revelation

它 又 叫 众 人 , 无 论 大 小 贫 富 , 自 主 的 , 为 奴 的 , 都 在 右 手 上 , 或 是 在 额 上 , 受 一 个 印 记 。
除 了 那 受 印 记 , 有 了 兽 名 , 或 有 兽 名 数 目 的 , 都 不 得 作 买 卖 。

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Descending Demons: My Dream of the Alien Invasion by G. Rix June 2014 Words from Jesus Christ

         Descending Demons: My Dream of the Alien Invasion by G. Rix June 2014
         Words from Jesus Christ

    In June of 2014 I had a prophetic dream. In this dream I was sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot of a nearby hospital. I was sitting in the front seat behind the steering wheel and off in the distance I saw them coming in droves. Hundreds of them! Disc shaped space craft were descending upon my city and within a minute or two they were hitting my vehicle too. I was even allowed to sense the vibration in my dream as they bounced off my windows. I was stunned as this dream unfolded and wondered how the rest of my suburb would respond to this alien invasion. End of dream.

    My dear children,

    I have asked my daughter to please share this dream that I had given her a few months ago for it is a most significant dream. She is given prophetic dreams every day, but many are for her own personal knowledge. This dream is to be shared with the world. Please hear your Lord and Savior this day, dear children. Within this dream are many hidden revelations. Allow me to help you understand what is coming to your city also.

    In the days ahead there will be an alien invasion. This invasion has been spoken of by many of my messengers, but this dream has newer content in it from my throne room. In this dream my daughter was shown the first round of invaders. They will actually come from far off galaxies and be in smaller vessels. It will surprise many when these demons aliens begin descending upon cities across the planet. The first wave of these demon aliens will be in smaller vessels that are not so intimidating. They will be trying to desensitize my children to their presence. They will even have some common looking characters within their vessels. Characters from your children’s favorite cartoons and alien creatures that resemble the science fiction movies that have been so popular across your theatre screens. This has been their ploy all along my children. Yes, they have been trying to condition you to their appearance from decades ago. They have been slowly introduced into your movies, your culture, and lastly into your children’s toys and video games. Don’t you see the great delusion, my children? It is now upon you. This great delusion will cost many of my children their lives for they will run outdoors to go and greet these so called friendly visitors.

    I have sent this same message to my son, messenger Ed Amos, that I do not want my children to flock outside to greet them. They will grab you and begin implementing the mark of the beast upon you. That is their main goal. They are arriving to your planet for the implementation of the mark of the beast as is written in my Holy Word (Revelation 13). These demons are the agents of Lucifer himself and these demons are ruthless as they will help carry out his plans to drag as many of my children to hell with him and his accomplices. Please hear me my children. When you see them arriving in the skies, go to your homes and begin praying to me and ask me to help cleanse your hearts and set your hearts free of the enemy. If you refuse the mark of the beast and die by other means, I will allow you to come into my heavenlies. I surely will for I am a merciful God. I have sent so many messages to my messengers that the rapture of the church is at hand. I have sent dreams, visions, and allowed supernatural weather events. What more can I do, dear children? I am about to unleash my wrath upon this earth and as some of my children are impatiently awaiting my arrival, you can see my heart of compassion for those who will be left behind. Rejecting the Lord God and living in holiness is a very serious thing, my children. Everything that I am requiring of my Bride is all throughout my Holy Word, but my children would rather play on their electronic gadgets and phones than spend time getting to know me in the Holy Book. When the Holy Book is read revelations are poured out from the pages. Revelations about my heart for mankind and my eternal paradise for each of you in my heavenlies.

    Please hear my heartfelt plea to come to me in complete holiness and repentance this day! None of my children can say that they were not warned. I have also had my Holy Spirit working overtime all throughout the earth sharing the nearness of these events and the need to wash your hearts in the blood of the Lamb.

    Come to me before it is too late. Spread this message even if you fear mockery, children. Spread my words and save the souls of your friends, neighbors, and other family members.
    Love, Jesus Christ, The One True Messiah to the World.

    For more messages please visit the web address below

    Joel 2:28-29 It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

    Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways.

    Romans 10:12-14 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED." How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?

    Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

The Mystery of the Abomination of Desolation

The Mystery of the Abomination of Desolation
(A poem written by Jesus Christ to His children in the last days)

There is a mystery within my Holy Word
It is an unspoken sort of thing...
For within the pages of my Sacred Book
Are many mysteries
Things sealed and not to be opened until the very end of time
Things that are sealed up with the holy wax of my Father’s magic touch
I am about to reveal to you the Mystery of the Abomination of Desolation
But first dear children, I am asking you to open your minds and repent of your sins
I am a most Holy God and when mysteries are revealed, there is a price to pay
Once this information is leaked out and the enemy runs with it
He seeks to know exactly where the Lord Jesus is on his timeline
He seeks to know where the Throne Room is in its official countdown
Please repent of your sins, my precious children

The Abomination of Desolation has already occurred
Many of my children who seek me in their prayer closets have already learned of this
The Daniel calendar and its prophetic countdown began
When President Obama visited my birth place and did not bow to the King of Glory
The “Obama-nation of Desolation” has already occurred back in March of last year
Don’t you remember, my children?
Don’t you remember when he stood there?
It was flashed on the television screens all across the globe
He just stood there taking in the essence of his enemy
Knowing all along he was going to defile me
Children, don’t you remember when he returned home to the White House?
He gave a public statement?
He said he felt the presence of the living God
He was brief and rude and went on to discuss other less important things
My children, I am the Lord God Almighty
Please come to me on bended knee and I too will reveal this mystery to you if you only ask me
In my Holy Word it states, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find…”
Please read my scriptures back to me as you seek me on this matter of where we are in the prophetic timeline
I love you my children
I desire nothing more than to have you seeking me for all the things that you seek to learn
I am the Great Teacher, remember?
I am the King of the Universe too
Time is almost up
The decision is up to you

Jesus Christ, Your Loving Father









Tuesday, September 23, 2014


主耶稣给他的信使 Gwendolen Rix 的另一个末世信息 9-18-14


我是你们的救主耶稣。我是那个死在十字架上卸去了那恶者撒旦对你们的负担和压迫的人。我是那个从圣灵受孕的童女所生以人的形式并神的儿子的身份行走在地上的耶稣。是我打败了古蛇从而战胜了死亡,我受死下到地狱并在第三天复活。我在地上有一个非常繁荣的事工在这里共享永恒的救赎,忏悔,受洗,使罪得赦。孩子们,我使我女儿写这封预言的主要目的是解释我一年前给她的一句话。这句话在她脑海里停留很长时间并在她与她主内兄弟Seho 的一次谈话中被提醒。这是一个非常强大的预言和解释人类在伊甸园中堕落的长期后果。




我知道我多数的孩子们对苹果公司不陌生。该公司生产I Phone 和其他设备使人们对电脑更精通。我在此警告你们在这末世一个类似苹果的危害。这苹果与伊甸园的果子很相似。当初蛇怎样欺骗他们会变得更聪明今天他在做同样的欺骗。孩子们,用不了多久,这只同样的古蛇就会向我的孩子们兜售生物识别和其他聪明的方式来储存那植入你们体内芯片的密码。他们也会提供真皮斑技术如同纹身使它成为你皮肤的一部分。




耶 和 华 神 所 造 的 , 惟 有 蛇 比 田 野 一 切 的 活 物 更 狡 猾 。 蛇 对 女 人 说 , 神 岂 是 真 说 , 不 许 你 们 吃 园 中 所 有 树 上 的 果 子 吗 ?
女 人 对 蛇 说 , 园 中 树 上 的 果 子 , 我 们 可 以 吃 ,
惟 有 园 当 中 那 棵 树 上 的 果 子 , 神 曾 说 , 你 们 不 可 吃 , 也 不 可 摸 , 免 得 你 们 死 。
蛇 对 女 人 说 , 你 们 不 一 定 死 ,
因 为 神 知 道 , 你 们 吃 的 日 子 眼 睛 就 明 亮 了 , 你 们 便 如 神 能 知 道 善 恶 。
于 是 女 人 见 那 棵 树 的 果 子 好 作 食 物 , 也 悦 人 的 眼 目 , 且 是 可 喜 爱 的 , 能 使 人 有 智 慧 , 就 摘 下 果 子 来 吃 了 。 又 给 她 丈 夫 , 她 丈 夫 也 吃 了 。
他 们 二 人 的 眼 睛 就 明 亮 了 , 才 知 道 自 己 是 赤 身 露 体 , 便 拿 无 花 果 树 的 叶 子 , 为 自 己 编 作 裙 子 。
天 起 了 凉 风 , 耶 和 华 神 在 园 中 行 走 。 那 人 和 他 妻 子 听 见 神 的 声 音 , 就 藏 在 园 里 的 树 木 中 , 躲 避 耶 和 华 神 的 面 。
耶 和 华 神 呼 唤 那 人 , 对 他 说 , 你 在 哪 里 。
他 说 , 我 在 园 中 听 见 你 的 声 音 , 我 就 害 怕 。 因 为 我 赤 身 露 体 , 我 便 藏 了 。
耶 和 华 说 , 谁 告 诉 你 赤 身 露 体 呢 ? 莫 非 你 吃 了 我 吩 咐 你 不 可 吃 的 那 树 上 的 果 子 吗 ?
那 人 说 , 你 所 赐 给 我 , 与 我 同 居 的 女 人 , 她 把 那 树 上 的 果 子 给 我 , 我 就 吃 了 。
耶 和 华 神 对 女 人 说 , 你 作 的 是 什 么 事 呢 ? 女 人 说 , 那 蛇 引 诱 我 , 我 就 吃 了 。
耶 和 华 神 对 蛇 说 , 你 既 作 了 这 事 , 就 必 受 咒 诅 , 比 一 切 的 牲 畜 野 兽 更 甚 。 你 必 用 肚 子 行 走 , 终 身 吃 土 。
我 又 要 叫 你 和 女 人 彼 此 为 仇 。 你 的 后 裔 和 女 人 的 后 裔 也 彼 此 为 仇 。 女 人 的 后 裔 要 伤 你 的 头 , 你 要 伤 他 的 脚 跟 。
又 对 女 人 说 , 我 必 多 多 加 增 你 怀 胎 的 苦 楚 , 你 生 产 儿 女 必 多 受 苦 楚 。 你 必 恋 慕 你 丈 夫 , 你 丈 夫 必 管 辖 你 。
又 对 亚 当 说 , 你 既 听 从 妻 子 的 话 , 吃 了 我 所 吩 咐 你 不 可 吃 的 那 树 上 的 果 子 , 地 必 为 你 的 缘 故 受 咒 诅 。 你 必 终 身 劳 苦 , 才 能 从 地 里 得 吃 的 。
地 必 给 你 长 出 荆 棘 和 蒺 藜 来 , 你 也 要 吃 田 间 的 菜 蔬 。
你 必 汗 流 满 面 才 得 糊 口 , 直 到 你 归 了 土 , 因 为 你 是 从 土 而 出 的 。 你 本 是 尘 土 , 仍 要 归 于 尘 土 。
亚 当 给 他 妻 子 起 名 叫 夏 娃 , 因 为 她 是 众 生 之 母 。
耶 和 华 神 为 亚 当 和 他 妻 子 用 皮 子 作 衣 服 给 他 们 穿 。
耶 和 华 神 说 , 那 人 已 经 与 我 们 相 似 , 能 知 道 善 恶 。 现 在 恐 怕 他 伸 手 又 摘 生 命 树 的 果 子 吃 , 就 永 远 活 着 。
耶 和 华 神 便 打 发 他 出 伊 甸 园 去 , 耕 种 他 所 自 出 之 土 。
于 是 把 他 赶 出 去 了 。 又 在 伊 甸 园 的 东 边 安 设 基 路 伯 和 四 面 转 动 发 火 焰 的 剑 , 要 把 守 生 命 树 的 道 路 。

约 翰 福 音 John

我 实 实 在 在 地 告 诉 你 们 , 人 进 羊 圈 , 不 从 门 进 去 , 倒 从 别 处 爬 进 去 , 那 人 就 是 贼 , 就 是 强 盗 。
从 门 进 去 的 , 才 是 羊 的 牧 人 。
看 门 的 就 给 他 开 门 。 羊 也 听 他 的 声 音 。 他 按 着 名 叫 自 己 的 羊 , 把 羊 领 出 来 。
既 放 出 自 己 的 羊 来 , 就 在 前 头 走 , 羊 也 跟 着 他 , 因 为 认 得 他 的 声 音 。
羊 不 跟 着 生 人 , 因 为 不 认 得 他 的 声 音 。 必 要 逃 跑 。
耶 稣 将 这 比 喻 告 诉 他 们 。 但 他 们 不 明 白 所 说 的 是 什 么 意 思 。
所 以 耶 稣 又 对 他 们 说 , 我 实 实 在 在 地 告 诉 你 们 , 我 就 是 羊 的 门 ,
凡 在 我 以 先 来 的 , 都 是 贼 , 是 强 盗 。 羊 却 不 听 他 们 。
我 就 是 门 。 凡 从 我 进 来 的 , 必 然 得 救 , 并 且 出 入 得 草 吃 。
盗 贼 来 , 无 非 要 偷 窃 , 杀 害 , 毁 坏 。 我 来 了 , 是 要 叫 羊 ( 或 作 人 ) 得 生 命 , 并 且 得 的 更 丰 盛 。
我 是 好 牧 人 , 好 牧 人 为 羊 舍 命 。

启 示 录 Revelation

它 又 叫 众 人 , 无 论 大 小 贫 富 , 自 主 的 , 为 奴 的 , 都 在 右 手 上 , 或 是 在 额 上 , 受 一 个 印 记 。
除 了 那 受 印 记 , 有 了 兽 名 , 或 有 兽 名 数 目 的 , 都 不 得 作 买 卖 。
在 这 里 有 智 慧 。 凡 有 聪 明 的 , 可 以 算 计 兽 的 数 目 , 因 为 这 是 人 的 数 目 。 它 的 数 目 是 六 百 六 十 六 。

*The Prophecy of the First Apple and the Last Apple*

*The Prophecy of the First Apple and the Last Apple*

An End Time’s Message from Jesus Christ to his messenger Gwendolen Rix


My dearest children,

This is your Lord and Savior. I am the one who died on the Cross of Calvary to remove the burden and oppression of the evil one named Lucifer. I am the one who came to earth through Immaculate Conception and walked the earth as the Son of God a human form. I am also the one who defeated the Serpent by defeating death, descending to hell, and then rising on the third day. I had a very prosperous ministry here upon the face of the earth by sharing the message of eternal salvation, repentance, and the need to be baptized for the remission of sins. My children, the main purpose I am having my daughter write this prophecy is to address a word that I gave her over a year ago. She has been tossing this word around in her mind for a very long time and was reminded of it as she was talking with her brother Seho. It is a very powerful prophecy and explains the long term ramifications of the Fall of Mankind within the Garden of Eden.

My children,

When Adam and Eve walked with me unabated in the Garden of Eden it was a time of unhindered communion. They were spiritually pure and their lives were uncomplicated. Everything that they needed was provided for and whenever they wanted to walk with their Creator, he was just a thought away. My children, this is the way that I wish to commune with all of my children. You can thank the Serpent for fouling that up. You can also thank the enemy’s tactics of tempting my first couple with the forbidden fruit. Although it has been foretold that the first couple actually were tempted by Satan with fruit that resembles a fruit similar to an apple, there were no apple trees within the Garden of Eden. The fruit that comes the closest to the forbidden fruit is the pomegranate which is popular throughout many regions of the globe. The story has been changed over time and the apple interjected into the story because of its popularity. I can assure you that it was not truly an apple though.

The forbidden fruit was a mysterious type of fruit in the Garden of Eden. It was rare and both Adam and Eve were instructed to not partake of this fruit. Do you know why I asked them to not eat of this forbidden fruit, dear children? It is because this fruit had a transformational power within it. It was placed in the garden as a means to protect it, but at the same time, my children were instructed to leave it alone. Once the serpent slithered over to them and enticed them to break my rule, the fall of mankind ensued. Adam and Eve were kicked out from the garden and were forced to learn a harder way of life; a more difficult way to communicate with me also. In a general sense, the beginning of mankind’s separation began from a simple piece of fruit and temptation, and it will also end on the same notion.

I know that many of my children are familiar with the Apple Corporation. The Apple Corporation is the company that manufactures I phones and many other types of devices for my children to become more computer savvy. I am here today to warn my children of a similar apple at the end of time too. This apple is not much different than the apple in the Garden of Eden. The Serpent promised that they would be wise back then and he is still telling the same lie this day. Children, it won’t be long now til the Serpent from the garden, the same Serpent that is selling much of this technology to my children, will offer biometric identifications and clever ways to store passwords in chips inserted into your skin. They will also offer dermal patches much like tattoos that will eventually become permanent pieces of skin.

My children, be wary of the Apple now just like Adam and Eve should have been back then. Please understand the time period you are living in and the proximity of my arrival. The technology of this Apple will surely cause you death. It will surely cause a permanent separation from you and your Creator. Hear your Lord and Savior this day, dear children. Demon aliens have aided these multimillion dollar corporations with advancing this technology to usher in the mark of the beast. Be leery of affixing or implanting anything upon your skin. Understand what my written word says about the mark of the beast too. The beast will eventually require your full allegiance in the days ahead. Make sure you and your friends and family are clear on what this mark will do. It has eternal consequences and it will separate you from your Lord and Savior for eternity.

I love you all my children,
King Jesus

Genesis 3 King James Version (KJV)
3 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

John 10 King James Version (KJV)
10 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
6 This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.
7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

Revelation 13:16-18King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Sunday, September 21, 2014



主耶稣基督赐给信使Gwendolen Rix 的信 9-10-14

启 示 录 Revelation

约 翰 写 信 给 亚 西 亚 的 七 个 教 会 。 但 愿 从 那 昔 在 今 在 以 后 永 在 的 神 和 他 宝 座 前 的 七 灵 。
并 那 诚 实 作 见 证 的 , 从 死 里 首 先 复 活 , 为 世 上 君 王 元 首 的 耶 稣 基 督 。 有 恩 惠 平 安 归 与 你 们 。 他 爱 我 们 , 用 自 己 的 血 使 我 们 脱 离 罪 恶 。 ( 脱 离 有 古 卷 作 洗 去 )
又 使 我 们 成 为 国 民 , 作 他 父 神 的 祭 司 。 但 愿 荣 耀 权 能 归 给 他 , 直 到 永 永 远 远 。 阿 们 。
看 哪 , 他 驾 云 降 临 。 众 目 要 看 见 他 , 连 刺 他 的 人 也 要 看 见 他 。 地 上 的 万 族 都 要 因 他 哀 哭 。 这 话 是 真 实 的 。 阿 们 。

大 声 呼 喊 , 好 像 狮 子 吼 叫 , 呼 喊 完 了 , 就 有 七 雷 发 声 。
七 雷 发 声 之 后 , 我 正 要 写 出 来 , 就 听 见 从 天 上 有 声 音 说 , 七 雷 所 说 的 你 要 封 上 , 不 可 写 出 来 。






Friday, September 19, 2014



主耶稣基督赐给仆人Gwendolyn Rix 的信 20148




















又 要 守 收 割 节 , 所 收 的 是 你 田 间 所 种 , 劳 碌 得 来 初 熟 之 物 。 并 在 年 底 收 藏 , 要 守 收 藏 节

你 六 日 要 作 工 , 第 七 日 要 安 息 , 虽 在 耕 种 收 割 的 时 候 也 要 安 息 。
在 收 割 初 熟 麦 子 的 时 候 要 守 七 七 节 , 又 在 年 底 要 守 收 藏 节 。

路 得 记 Ruth

拿 俄 米 和 她 儿 妇 摩 押 女 子 路 得 , 从 摩 押 地 回 来 到 伯 利 恒 , 正 是 动 手 割 大 麦 的 时 候 。

阿 摩 司 书 Amos

在 收 割 的 前 三 月 , 我 使 雨 停 止 , 不 降 在 你 们 那 里 。 我 降 雨 在 这 城 , 不 降 雨 在 那 城 。 这 块 地 有 雨 , 那 块 地 无 雨 , 无 雨 的 就 枯 干 了 。

撒 母 耳 记 上 1 Samuel

这 不 是 割 麦 子 的 时 候 吗 ? 我 求 告 耶 和 华 , 他 必 打 雷 降 雨 , 使 你 们 又 知 道 又 看 出 , 你 们 求 立 王 的 事 是 在 耶 和 华 面 前 犯 大 罪 了 。


以 弗 所 书 Ephesians

奉 神 旨 意 , 作 基 督 耶 稣 使 徒 的 保 罗 , 写 信 给 在 以 弗 所 的 圣 徒 , 就 是 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 有 忠 心 的 人 。
愿 恩 惠 平 安 , 从 神 我 们 的 父 , 和 主 耶 稣 基 督 , 归 与 你 们 。
愿 颂 赞 归 与 我 们 主 耶 稣 基 督 的 父 神 , 他 在 基 督 里 , 曾 赐 给 我 们 天 上 各 样 属 灵 的 福 气 。
就 如 神 从 创 立 世 界 以 前 , 在 基 督 里 拣 选 了 我 们 , 使 我 们 在 他 面 前 成 为 圣 洁 , 无 有 瑕 疵 。
又 因 爱 我 们 , 就 按 着 自 己 意 旨 所 喜 悦 的 , 预 定 我 们 , 借 着 耶 稣 基 督 得 儿 子 的 名 分 ,
使 他 荣 耀 的 恩 典 得 着 称 赞 。 这 恩 典 是 他 在 爱 子 里 所 赐 给 我 们 的 。
我 们 借 这 爱 子 的 血 , 得 蒙 救 赎 , 过 犯 得 以 赦 免 , 乃 是 照 他 丰 富 的 恩 典 。
这 恩 典 是 神 用 诸 般 智 慧 聪 明 , 充 充 足 足 赏 给 我 们 的 ,
都 是 照 他 自 己 所 预 定 的 美 意 , 叫 我 们 知 道 他 旨 意 的 奥 秘 ,
要 照 所 安 排 的 , 在 日 期 满 足 的 时 候 , 使 天 上 地 上 一 切 所 有 的 , 都 在 基 督 里 面 同 归 于 一 。
我 们 也 在 他 里 面 得 了 基 业 , ( 得 或 作 成 ) 这 原 是 那 位 随 己 意 行 作 万 事 的 , 照 着 他 旨 意 所 预 定 的 。
叫 他 的 荣 耀 , 从 我 们 这 首 先 在 基 督 里 有 盼 望 的 人 , 可 以 得 着 称 赞 。
你 们 既 听 见 真 理 的 道 , 就 是 那 叫 你 们 得 救 的 福 音 , 也 信 了 基 督 , 既 然 信 他 , 就 受 了 所 应 许 的 圣 灵 为 印 记 。
这 圣 灵 , 是 我 们 得 基 业 的 凭 据 , ( 原 文 作 质 ) 直 等 到 神 之 民 ( 民 原 文 作 产 业 ) 被 赎 , 使 他 的 荣 耀 得 着 称 赞 。
因 此 , 我 既 听 见 你 们 信 从 主 耶 稣 , 亲 爱 众 圣 徒 ,
就 为 你 们 不 住 地 感 谢 神 , 祷 告 的 时 候 , 常 提 到 你 们 。
求 我 们 主 耶 稣 基 督 的 神 , 荣 耀 的 父 , 将 那 赐 人 智 慧 和 启 示 的 灵 , 赏 给 你 们 , 使 你 们 真 知 道 他 。
并 且 照 明 你 们 心 中 的 眼 睛 , 使 你 们 知 道 他 的 恩 召 有 何 等 指 望 。 他 在 圣 徒 中 得 的 基 业 , 有 何 等 丰 盛 的 荣 耀 。
并 知 道 他 向 我 们 这 信 的 人 所 显 的 能 力 , 是 何 等 浩 大 ,
就 是 照 他 在 基 督 身 上 , 所 运 行 的 大 能 大 力 , 使 他 从 死 里 复 活 , 叫 他 在 天 上 坐 在 自 己 的 右 边 ,
远 超 过 一 切 执 政 的 , 掌 权 的 , 有 能 的 , 主 治 的 , 和 一 切 有 名 的 。 不 但 是 今 世 的 , 连 来 世 的 也 都 超 过 了 。



