Thursday, December 29, 2016
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Thursday, December 15, 2016
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
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Friday, September 16, 2016
An Important Warning To Prepare For The Coming Solar Superstorm, EMP And Lightning Storms Just Around The Time Of The Global Auroras, And The Invasion Of Enemy Hordes.
An Important Warning To Prepare For The Coming Solar Superstorm, EMP And Lightning Storms Just Around The Time Of The Global Auroras, And The Invasion Of Enemy Hordes.
Dearest brothers and sisters-in-Christ,
The Lord has been helping His chosen saints to put the end-time puzzle pieces together, in order to present a more complete picture of what is soon to happen as the Day of the LORD approaches. Now, I know that a number of you may disagree with part or all of what I am posting in this lengthy message, but I will urge you to seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to reveal His truth to you in His perfect time and plan. Please claim His promise to us in Matthew 7:7-8, and let us strive to rightly divide His Word according to the exhortation in 2 Timothy 2:15.
Too many end-time saints are holding to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture belief, which traditionally teaches us that the elect saints will be rescued up to Heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ, BEFORE any form of actual end-time tribulation befalls us. I had previously explained in numerous posts that the whole counsel of God's Word reveals to us that the elect saints of Christ are appointed to go through the birth-pain tribulation of the earth (see Matthew 24:6-13), which will climax with the earthly transfiguration of the Bride of Christ during the 3 Days of Darkness (Isaiah 60:1-3), ie. AFTER the 6th Seal has been broken by the Lord (Revelation 6:12-13). Here is a previous Rhema Word from the Lord about this:…
By the grace of God, I shall do my best to present the necessary information as to what is going to happen on earth in the immediate run-up to the Day of the LORD, which will commence on earth AFTER the 6th Seal is broken (see Joel 2:30-31, Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:12-17). To do this, I have chosen to first provide a summary of the Pre-Rapture signs and events, and focus on summary signs (1) to (6) for the purpose of this message. I have also divided the post into different main sections, with a brief exhortation from the Lord Jesus Christ after the teaching message and an explanatory note at the end of the post, along with coordinating Scriptures as always.
Please prayerfully discern what you read in this lengthy post, and kindly understand that the purpose of this message is NOT to instil ungodly fear among believers, or to promote anxiety within our hearts and minds. Rather, the aim of this post is to encourage the saints of Christ to allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead them in their physical preparations for what is soon to come, along with their spiritual preparations by living out Galatians 2:20 daily.
Let us begin now, shall we?
• Summary Of Birth-Pain Climax Events And Pre-Rapture Signs Leading Up To The Day Of The LORD, With Focus On Signs (1) to (6).
1) Israel strikes Iran's nuclear facilities, and Iran strikes back with a massive retaliation that causes serious harm to Israel.
2) Within a short period of time (perhaps days, but only the LORD knows), the LORD acts in vengeance for Israel by allowing a solar superstorm to hit the earth. The world's electrical grid goes down due to the Electromagnetic Pulse Effect (EMP) of the resulting geomagnetic storm on earth. My FB ministry ends around this time, as the internet will be down.
3) The geomagnetic storm causes dancing colours in the skies worldwide, ie. global auroras.
4) Within a few days, the global auroras fade away to reveal reddish and hazy skies worldwide.
5) Within another few days from this sign, the Nibiru system will become visible to the world, and the alien demons begin their full public disclosure worldwide.
6) Within yet a few more days from the appearance of the Nibiru system in the skies worldwide, there will be a massive global earthquake which will shake the whole earth (most likely due to an asteroid impact), and within a short time from this catastrophic earthquake, the sun will turn black like sackcloth and the moon will turn red like blood. This commences the 6th Seal judgment of God upon the earth, which will usher in the great and terrible Day of the LORD (see Joel 2:30-31, Matthew 24:29 and Revelation 6:12-17).
7) The LORD visits every living soul on earth to reveal Himself to us, and those saints of Christ who are counted worthy and chosen to be among His Bride will be transfigured by the power of the Holy Spirit during the 3 Days of Darkness (see Isaiah 60:1-3), and be transported to a place of refuge for the gathering and equipping of the Bride of Christ.
(8) The 3 Days of Darkness ends, and the Bride of Christ is sent out into the world's harvest fields to fulfil Isaiah 61:1-3 and Matthew 24:14, before the end of the age comes with the Rapture of the Bride and the Wedding Guests, ie. Barley Harvest.
*Focal Scripture provided by the Lord (14 August, 2016)
Jeremiah 25:32-33 (NRSV)
32 Thus says the Lord of hosts:
See, disaster is spreading
from nation to nation,
and a great tempest is stirring
from the farthest parts of the earth!
See, disaster is spreading
from nation to nation,
and a great tempest is stirring
from the farthest parts of the earth!
33 Those slain by the Lord on that day shall extend from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall become dung on the surface of the ground.
A) Massive Solar Superstorm Will Hit The Earth Just Prior To The 6th Seal.
Those of you who have read my older posts on FB may recall the pre-6th Seal signs to include the appearance of 'dancing colours in the sky', which is essentially a description of the coming 'global auroras' phenomenon. In case you question this because you don't believe that the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) and the aurora australis (Southern Lights) can be seen beyond the earth's North and South poles respectively, I wish to refer you to the most recent solar superstorm which struck the earth in recorded history: The Carrington Event of 1859.
Here is a weblink to a National Geographic article about that 1859 solar superstorm which struck the earth and caused some telegraphic equipment to catch fire. The Carrington Event also caused auroras bright enough that they could be seen far down from the North Pole, and far up from the South Pole:…/110302-solar-flares-s…/…/110302-solar-flares-s…/
For those who wish to read more information concerning that historic solar superstorm in 1859, here is the weblink to an article on Wikipedia:
What does a standard solar storm comprise of? To the best of my understanding, a standard solar storm comprises a (i) solar flare and it is sometimes (not always) followed a few days later by a (ii) CME, ie. coronal mass ejection, from the Sun. Solar flares can throw waves of solar radiation, eg. X-rays, UV rays, radio waves, gamma waves etc, towards the Earth, which is essentially a 'solar tsunami'. Such a solar storm will cause huge geomagnetic disturbances to the Earth's magnetic fields and induce the auroras that we refer to as the Northern and Southern Lights.
If a geomagnetic storm is powerful enough (eg. G 4 and G5 on the NOAA Scale), it may also trigger lightning storms in certain parts of the world, due primarily to the high degree of electron ionisation in the atmosphere of the Earth. HERE IS THE WARNING FROM THE LORD: The coming solar superstorm will trigger a geomagnetic storm that will be off the scale, ie. greater intensity than the maximum G5 rating. This may take place as soon as the first component of a solar storm hits the Earth, ie. solar flares, and will be reinforced further by the subsequent accompanying coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun. There will be massive electrical blackouts all around the world, that will cripple modern civilisation.
For reference to the description of the effects expected in the highest-rated G-scale geomagnetic storm, I have included the following screenshot taken from this webpage:

For those of you who think that this is simply fear mongering, and that another Carrington-class solar superstorm isn't going to happen in the near future, I wish to inform you that the LORD God mercifully kept a solar superstorm from striking the Earth as recently as 23 June 2012. Here is the web article concerning this near-miss event that would have plunged the whole world into the Pre-Industrial Age:……
I had also previously posted a warning from the Lord about this coming solar superstorm which will be a mighty storm of God's judgment upon the wicked of the earth:…
Here is another related post concerning the coming solar superstorm:…
Here are relevant end-time videos from fellow saints regarding this prophesied geomagnetic storm in the form of warning dream/vision from the Lord. Please prayerfully discern what is shared with us in these video messages:
1) Pretty Bear
2) Kita KaT
3) Zachary Wilkinson
•Application For The Saints Of Christ:
1) The Electrical Grid Will Be Down Even Before The 6th Seal Is Opened.
Many of us have received and shared dreams, visions or Rhema messages from the LORD God concerning the coming 3 Days of Darkness, including myself. However, fewer of us are aware that there will be a severe worldwide electrical power outage even BEFORE the 6th Seal is opened by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The prophesied solar superstorm will generate enough solar EMP (electromagnetic pulse) to knock out the power transformers of nations around the world for a significant amount of time, with experts estimating that a solar superstorm of intensity equivalent to the Carrington Event of 1859 to be able to destroy the electrical grid of nations for years.
~ Practical Applications-
a) Back-up Lights & Power Generators
Once the geopolitical sign of the Iran-Israel military strikes come to pass, ie. summary sign (1), please ensure that you have stocked up enough candles, lighters, battery-operated lamps with an adequate battery supply to prepare for the solar EMP taking down the electrical grid, ie. summary sign (2).
For those who live on landed property, and who have the means to purchase and maintain a diesel/petrol power generator, you may wish to prayerfully consider doing so. From what I understand, such power generators are strictly for outdoor usage only, as they generate exhaust fumes like a car would. Hence, those who live in high rise apartments may not be able to use power generators as effectively.
Of course, these power generators cannot be reasonably expected to power all of one household's electrical appliances, but it may be sufficient for the basic essentials, eg. small refrigerator, electric fan etc. If you already own one or more power generators for power outage situations, or if you plan to purchase one soon for these end times, please remember to stock up on diesel or petrol that is appropriate for the model of generator you own.
It may also be helpful to put your power generator through a trial run if you have never used it recently, so that any technical issues or repairs can be done BEFORE the solar EMP takes down the electrical grid. For those who are new to power generators, learn as much as you need from the sellers or manufacturers concerning the proper maintenance of the item and familiarise yourself with the maintenance procedures, so that you won't risk being stuck with a malfunctioning generator when the time comes to put it to work.
b) Avoiding Lifts & Elevators Wherever Possible
Once summary sign (1) has happened, I will encourage everyone to avoid the use of elevators and lifts as far as possible, because we do not know the precise moment when the solar EMP will strike the earth. Those who live on landed property and who do not work in high-rise office buildings will probably have an easier time avoiding elevators during that crucial time before the solar superstorm strikes the earth and triggers the solar EMP.
I understand that this may not be feasible for many people, especially those of us who live in high-rise apartments, or work in high-rise buildings. The best thing to do is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to increase our sensitivity to His guidance, so that we may be warned just prior to the electrical grid going down, causing most elevators to stop working.
For those of us who may find ourselves being trapped in the lift for whatever reason the Lord permits it, do your best to stay calm and pray to the Lord for help. It may be that the Lord has a mission for you to witness to others who may similarly be trapped in the same elevator as you. Rest assured that Jesus will not lead you where He has not gone before you, so trust in Him to provide divine assistance to you wherever you are, for He has legions of holy angels at hand to minister to His chosen saints, and to deliver them from trouble.
c) Preparing Food, Water & Alternative Sanitation Systems
In this world and in this age which we live, most sanitation and water systems depend on the electrical grid to run efficiently. Many water and sanitation pumps are powered by electricity, and once the solar EMP takes down the electrical grid, not only will we have problems with communication and face difficulties using electrical appliances, we shall also have real issues getting a clean drinking water supply, as well as the facilitation of proper sanitation.
Again, the key is to take action not later than the fulfilment of summary sign (1), by ensuring that you stock up on canned/dry food from the stores, along with bottled drinking water. Stock up on your personal medical supplies as well. Those who have the means should prayerfully consider sharing essential items with our relatives and our neighbours, because the Lord is going to minister to the lost sheep in our lives by helping them during those difficult times through the preparations that we have undertaken by faith in His warnings. To share our food and water by faith with those who are in need is often a good way to minister to them with the love and good news of salvation in Christ Jesus. I encourage you to heed the Holy Spirit's leading in every situation as always.
There will be great difficulties in obtaining food, medical and water supplies once the electrical grid has been knocked out, because many stores may not be able to maintain their operations. One typically needs electrical power even for the cash registers to function at the checkout counters, so please do not count on getting essential consumables easily from the stores once the solar superstorm has struck the earth. Early preparation is vital here for those who are led by the Lord to do so. Not everyone will be called to make the exact same kind of preparations, so again, please be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading for your particular situation.
Concerning sanitation, it may be helpful to set up some form of traditional toileting system for those who have the means to do so. This may mean the creation of a simple field toilet for some of us, or perhaps the use of traditional chamber pots for others. Whatever system you prefer to rely on as an alternative to conventionally-powered modern sanitation systems, do your best to prayerfully prepare them in advance, including sanitation bags for proper disposal of waste matter, if necessary.
It will be helpful to collect water in large containers for washing and bathing. Some may have a home system to collect rain water, while others may have access to well water. For the rest of us, we may wish to store tap water in suitable containers before the solar EMP strikes. Having stored water such as this can reduce the usage of bottled water, which we can then keep for drinking and cooking ( ie. charcoal stove, BBQ pit, camping stove etc).
d) Prepare Cash Before The ATMs & Banks Shut Down With The Electrical Grid
The heading here says it adequately, so I shall not elaborate too much. By the time that summary sign (1) happens, you should have checked your stockpile of cash at home, and make sure you have some spare cash for emergency use after the solar EMP knocks down the electrical grid. It may be too late to draw out cash after that, as people will try to make a run on their bank, and this could trigger big crowds and panic attacks.
Those who have stored silver or gold at home may find them useful in emergencies, when product or service providers do not want to accept cash any longer (most of us know that the NWO is working towards a new cashless global economy). Whether you choose to prepare cash and coins, or silver and gold, please ensure that you have enough currency in small denominations so that you don't end up buying a loaf of bread from the grocer's for $100 and being left without change (remember that the cash registers won't work once the electricity goes out).
2) Transportation Network Will Become Crippled.
Once the solar EMP knocks out the electrical grid, the transportation network will be crippled. Traffic lights will not function and the city rail system will be affected, along with electrically-powered gas stations and petrol kiosks. Electric vehicles will come to a stop much sooner than those powered by fossil fuels such as diesel, petrol and natural gas etc.
a) Have Alternative Modes Of Transport Prepared
For those who are well-stocked up on essential items for survival during this period of time, there may be little or no need for you to travel out of your own home in those tumultuous days ahead. For everyone else, however, we may do well to have an alternative mode of transport ready for our use.
Due to the high probability that the roads in densely populated cities may be congested with potential pile-up of vehicles in traffic accidents due to the malfunction of traffic lights, the best form of transport may be a bicycle or motorcycle. Obviously, most countries will require training and licensing before a person is permitted to legally ride a motorcycle, but such rules do not apply to bicycles.
Either kind of two-wheeler transport may help us to get around more easily, whether for the purpose of visiting and helping family and friends nearby who may be clueless as to what is going on, or to run important errands at the eleventh hour. Whatever happens, remember to pray to the Lord and to ride safely, because first responder services may not be accessible in the event of a serious accident, since the communication network will be down. God's holy angels will help you, so do not fear, only call upon the LORD in faith and obedience.
For motorcyclists, remember to stock up on your fuel at home, in the form of canisters or bottles, as you may not be able to top up your fuel at the local gas station for reasons I have explained earlier on. Bring a spare canister to refuel if necessary during your travels, or you will be berating yourself should your motorbike become a sitting duck many miles from your home.
Those of us who use electric bicycles need to keep a close watch on the power gauge (assuming that the solar EMP has not fried the electronic circuit board nor overwhelmed the electrical system of the bike). If the battery dies on us while we are travelling, we should be able to pedal the electric bicycle in the good old fashioned way if necessary. A wise thing to do would be to give your e-bicycle battery a full charge as soon as summary sign (1) comes to pass.
b) Avoid Long-Distance Travel
As soon as the Israel-Iran military confrontation occur, I will encourage you to prayerfully consider holding off travel that will take you far from home, whether travelling interstate or abroad. Air travel may be particularly dangerous, as everyone on board an aircraft can be exposed to cosmic radiation when the solar superstorm hits the earth. Should the solar EMP be powerful enough, the electronic circuits and flight systems may possibly be damaged, which will severely cripple the aircraft's ability to continue its flight plan.
My brethren, I think I don't need to tell you what the worst case scenario will be. Indeed, a number of saints have seen aircraft falling from the skies in the end times through warning dreams and visions. Whether such terrible scenarios may be triggered by the prophesied solar EMP, or by other events, I cannot say with certainty, for only the LORD knows.
If you happen to be far from home at the time that the summary sign (1) takes place, please prayerfully seek the Lord to know if you should attempt to get home as soon as possible, or to stay put where you are, according to the Holy Spirit's leading. Everyone's situation won't be identical, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all contingency plan, but seek the Lord in prayer for guidance as always (Matthew 7:7-8).
3) Be Prepared For Chaos, Violence & Widespread Looting
Once the electrical grid is knocked down by the solar EMP from the solar superstorm, we should expect a certain amount of panic and chaos around us, as people who don't know what is going on may be motivated by fear, greed, and/or self-preservation to intimidate you to give up your food and water supplies to them. These may likely be people from your neighbourhood or even local authorities who are seeking to confiscate personal stores of food and water from those who are better prepared than most for the end times, eg. preppers.
What we need to remember is that we are not called to use aggression and violence against fellow human beings who are acting in desperation, though I believe that we do have a biblical right to self-defence in order to provide for, and to protect our family (see Luke 22:35-36). Therefore, we need to consider a firm but compassionate approach in dealing with desperate people in the coming days when the solar superstorm has knocked out electrical power in the land, and others begin eyeing our food stores and water supplies.
We are called to share the love of Christ, so we need to respond to the dire circumstances in those days appropriately. Should the Holy Spirit lead you to share your food and water with others, do so cheerfully and obediently, because it would be a great opportunity to witness to those in need in a practical way. Believe that the LORD who moves your spirit to share your essential items with others is the same God who can choose to multiply your supplies by His miraculous power and love, just as He did for the widow and her son at Zarephath through the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:7-16).
As for the means of self defence, please understand that I am neither for, nor against, modern ballistic weapons such as guns and rifles, but each one of us needs to be led accordingly by the LORD our God on this controversial matter. Whatever weapons believers may choose to prepare for their family's self-defence in these end times clearly ought to be legally approved in their respective state or nation. In most cases, please understand that these weapons should serve in the primary role of deterrence.
Just as criminals are less likely to choose to attack a college in a state where teachers and students are legally allowed to carry concealed arms on campus, our weapons of self defence should also serve a primary role of deterrence against desperately violent persons. However, let us remember that our first and foremost defence will always be the LORD, who is our Sword and our Shield. The following Scriptures say it best:
Psalm 91:7-15 (NKJV)
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord,who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
In view of the high probability of looting and violence on the streets in many places during those dark times, we may do well to avoid leaving our home, unless the Lord sends us out to carry out specific missions. If so, then we shall be protected by the holy angels of God, so do not fear, dearly beloved saints.
The next section is probably the most difficult for me to address, but it must be done, so please prayerfully discern what I am about to share with you here.
• The Coming Invasion Of Demon-possesed Human Zombies, Demonic Animals and Other Creatures Of Darkness
*Focal Scripture Provided By The Lord (21 August, 2016)
Psalm 27:1-6 (NKJV)
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked came against me
To eat up my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell.
3 Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked came against me
To eat up my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell.
3 Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.
4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
5 For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
5 For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.
6 And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
My brothers and sisters, many believers have personally encountered the demonic forces of darkness in one way or another, and more often than not, it seems that such demonic attacks tend to take place or intensify in the darkness of night, eg. sleep paralysis. That is why many people, both children and adults, prefer to sleep with a night light turned on, rather than to sleep in darkness.
Similarly, we can expect a greater and more intense manifestation of evil in our countries, once the coming solar EMP takes down the electrical grids across the world. The Lord confirms to me that there will be a zombie apocalypse of some sort in those dark days, though it may not play out in the exact same manner that has been portrayed in various popular TV shows, movies and story books. Whether the enemy will use bioweapons such as specific pathogens and viruses to turn human beings into mindless zombies, or possess people demonically through doorways opened by substance abuse and intoxication (eg. drugs and alcohol), we will do well to be prepared by applying Psalm 91 daily in our lives.
Besides humans who may be turned into demonic zombies, there are various other creature of darkness that may likely appear in those days to attack the children of God. These demonic creatures are NOT humans at all, and they include shape shifters, werewolves, vampires, black-eye kids, chimeras, alien-demons (those already on the earth) and other minions of the devil. If you and your family should encounter them in the dark times ahead, remember to call on the Name of the LORD, and you will be saved (see Acts 2:20-21).
Now, some of you may be wondering about the use of physical weapons against the enemy's creatures of darkness, and I shall simply say that physical weapons won't be as effective as the spiritual weapons of God through the full armour of light Christ has given to us (Ephesians 6:12-18). We may find physical weapons comparatively more effective against zombie-like humans, but I reiterate that our physical weapons should be used primarily for defence, either for self or for others who are being attacked by zombie hordes, and not for aggression in general.
All hell is gradually beginning to break loose on earth, and it will become darker in the times ahead as we approach the climax of the birth pains on earth when the Day of the LORD commences (Joel 2:30-31, Matthew 24:29-30, Revelation 6:12-17). Still, we are not called by God to walk in fear, for we are called to walk in the love, boldness and power of His Holy Spirit in us (see 2 Timothy 1:7), because the Spirit of Christ in us, is greater than the prince of darkness in the world (see 1 John 4:4b).
Those of the 144,000 who belong in the spiritual tribe of Judah (I believe you already know who you are), please be prepared to receive your specific marching orders from the Lord Jesus Christ individually soon. There is much work to be done, as we prepare for the coming great darkness, by the command of our God and King.
- Relevant News Reports:
1) Designer Drugs Opening Doorway To Demonic Possession…/cops-college-student-caught-chewing-o……/cops-college-student-caught-chewing-o…
2) Rising Darkness Everywhere…/u-s-alarm-unprecedented-demonic-ou…/…/u-s-alarm-unprecedented-demonic-ou…/
3) Graphic Video Which Shows Zombie-like Humans In Our World Today (Note: Content May Be Too Graphic For Some)
4) Drugs Such As Flakka Seem To Turn Humans Into Zombies…/it-turns-users-into-zombies-pen…/…/it-turns-users-into-zombies-pen…/
• Conclusion:
The chaos and afflictions we shall see in the days after the solar superstorm strikes the earth and the solar EMP overcomes the nations' electrical grids will last until, and beyond, the pre-6th Seal cosmic signs, ie. summary signs (3)-(5). Once the Nibiru planetary system appears in our global skies, please seek refuge in your home, or whichever place the Lord will lead you to at that time, because the massive global earthquake will shake the earth soon after that, ie. summary sign (6). Here is an older post on my FB page that addresses this more specifically:…
Those who are afraid to hide in your home during the earthquake need to seek the LORD about this matter, because I understand that conventional wisdom tells us that the safest place to be when an earthquake strikes is on open high ground. Yet, those who are in the open may be at greater risk of being attacked by the demon aliens who will be arriving with the Nibiru system. Hence, we cannot simply rely on conventional wisdom in the days ahead, for we need to rely on the Lord's wisdom through the Holy Spirit's guidance, which requires us to walk in complete faith and obedience to God.
I cannot speak for everyone else, but as for me and my family, we shall seek refuge in our home because the Lord assures me that He will protect our home supernaturally, even during the massive earthquake. We can expect the 3 Days of Darkness to commence shortly after the global earthquake, and if we don't make it back home by then, we may not be able to do so once the great supernatural darkness descends upon the earth, except by the gracious intervention of the LORD.
What comes after that is the moment of reckoning for the end-time saints, when the LORD will visit His children and reveal who among us have been counted worthy to be chosen as part of Christ's consecrated Bride (wise virgins), and who will be left behind (foolish virgins). Though many have been invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, only those who confirm their place at the banquet table by continuing faith, repentance and obedience in Christ will be chosen (see Matthew 24:14).
• The Lord's Brief Exhortation:
(23 August, 2016)
"Tell My people that I AM coming soon, My son. Let not your hearts be anxious, nor let your love for Me grow cold, for I will certainly fulfil My promises to you, My saints."
- Lion of Judah
Concluding Scriptures:
Psalm 46:1-3 (NKJV)
1 God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV)
6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lordyour God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Now, a number of you who have read this message may be wondering if the electrical grid will truly remain down for years following the coming solar superstorm and the solar EMP it will unleash upon the earth. If this is so, how then will the New World Order (NWO) rise up to rule the world without such an essential utility as electricity?
The Lord Jesus Christ has impressed upon me that the public disclosure of the alien demons who will reveal themselves to the world provides the answer for the NWO. The 'good' alien demons who will win over the world's trust by fighting off the 'bad' alien demons will be further venerated by clueless people from all nations when they show that they can reactivate the world's electrical grid with their superior alien (demonic) technology.
At the same time, these servants of Satan will also introduce a new power source to the race of Adam, which will be touted as being a cleaner, more sustainable and environmentally-friendly source of power for the world. I don't know exactly what this will be, whether it is some form of rare metal, crystalline substance or even a power source similar to the Tesseract of (Norse) Asgardian mythology. However, I wish to pose the following questions for us to consider.
Why has the NWO been actively pushing their global warming agenda over the past decade or so, incorporating the UN to indirectly promote what I will refer to as the Gaia movement? Why have they repeatedly demonised fossil fuels by painting them as terrible for the earth due to the release of so-called 'greenhouse gases' such as CO2? Why are they constantly bullying the global warming sceptics into silence, particularly since many of these critics are scientists established in the field of climatology and meteorology, no less? Why does the NWO want us to gradually phase out the use of carbon-based fossil fuels, which the LORD our God had created in the first place (ie. by virtue of the fact that the LORD created the plants and the animals in the record of Genesis 1, which gradually died and formed fossil fuels in the earth's crust after the Fall of mankind)?
One main reason is because the NWO is preparing the world for the public revelation of the alien demons, who will offer mankind a supposedly 'superior' form of power which will be touted as a 'cleaner' form of energy than the fossil fuels God has given us. They will further the NWO agenda in the Gaia movement (ie. where the earth is worshipped as a mother goddess who needs our help to free her from carbon-based air pollution and global warming).
What is their end game? It is the same objective as always-- to entice the peoples of the earth to embrace and use their new energy source and to implement and enforce the satanic 'mark of the beast' in the process of doing so. They will claim that they are saving the earth, but by the simple fact that they typically paint evil as good and good as evil (see Isaiah 5:20), we can know that they are in fact, scheming to destroy the earth and its natural order set down by the LORD our God at Creation.
Indeed, they will lie to the world that our God-given fossil fuels create nothing but trouble which will lead to the eventual destruction of the earth, then they will offer an attractive alternative source of energy from alien demon technology, and insist that everyone who wants access to this 'clean' power willingly accept some form of RFID microchip or tattoo to be part of the NEW WORLD ORDER. A new source of energy powering a new global cashless economy, and fuelling a new army of mindless hordes who will do their bidding.
That is their end game- to destroy the earth and its inhabitants, but the God of Peace, Jehovah Shalom, will soon crush Satan and his minions under our feet! Hallelujah!
Revelation 11:18 (NKJV)
18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
Revelation 13:16-18 (NKJV)
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Revelation 14:9-11 (NKJV)
9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Romans 16:20 (NKJV)
20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
*For those of you who wish to know what to do when the alien demons reveal themselves to the world (ie. summary sign 5), you may wish to prayerfully read this previous post on my FB page:……
In The Lion's Tribe,
Mark Chen
Mark Chen
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